So I'm assuming a thread or 2 of these have been made in the past, but I'm making my own personal list of what I feel needs to be addressed to improve PVP experience. In no particular order (All these issues are for PC/NA server)
LAG: It is ridiculous in Azura Star (NA), I feel this is one of the main issues that will cause people to rage quit the game. If a fix can't be found for it, just remove the abilities that cause it to break from the game? (Meteor, banners etc). If no-one can use them, it is then fair and if it fixes the problems until they can be properly fixed, great.
SIEGE: They continuously bug. Sometimes you place them and you can't get on them, other times the green arrow disappears and they shoot at the floor (This bug is extremely bad if you're running 2/3 siege at once, it becomes pointless to do so if you lose the arrow).
CAMPAIGNS: The introduction of different point scoring methods is an interesting one, but not one that will imo increase enjoyment / something different. I'd rather see campaigns split up based on champion points.
1 (Non vet) : No Champion points apply
2: (Vet - 7 days) Maximum of 100 Champion points only apply to characters
3: (Vet - 14 days) Maximum of 250 Champion points
4: (Vet - 30 days) Unlimited number of champion points
If this system can't be deployed, perhaps in each campaign have those champion points scaled so they're less effective / basically non-existent.
I know many players with veteran characters that create new characters to play non vet. 1 reason is an advantage over the other players (bad for introducing new players to the game), 2nd - they don't want to be one-shot sniped from stealth from someone with 500 champion points in veteran. I've NEVER got the concept of having champion points in non-vet. Most new players are not even aware of the champion point system until they themselves vet out.
Also, I know everyone can gain champion points, but the game play should not be based on whoever plays more is the better player, it should be whoever is more skilled is the better player.
I will add to this list more in time,
Discuss and feel free to post your own hiccups in regards to PVP!