TechnicalGeezer wrote: »I thought about this.
It would be nice, however there could be some serious balancing issues with this champion system in place. Two healing/DPS Templars with 1000 champion points = Demolish.
(Not at all saying that Templar is the best class, just using it as an example).
snuspresten wrote: »TechnicalGeezer wrote: »I thought about this.
It would be nice, however there could be some serious balancing issues with this champion system in place. Two healing/DPS Templars with 1000 champion points = Demolish.
(Not at all saying that Templar is the best class, just using it as an example).
They could simply boost or completely remove CP with a buff when inside that area/zone. Also, by having brackets for level ranges it would eliminate any gap between powers/skills/gear.
GeekReaper wrote: »I like the idea of removing the CP via BUFF. 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 would be one of the greatest things in this game. Test your might against others, so what if there are 2 healer/dps templars, that is a valid strategy
GeekReaper wrote: »I like the idea of removing the CP via BUFF. 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 would be one of the greatest things in this game. Test your might against others, so what if there are 2 healer/dps templars, that is a valid strategy
snuspresten wrote: »GeekReaper wrote: »I like the idea of removing the CP via BUFF. 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 would be one of the greatest things in this game. Test your might against others, so what if there are 2 healer/dps templars, that is a valid strategy
Yep. And having an Arena where you have leaderboards and ranking. Giving prizes at end of a season etc. So many things they can do to make it work and it would bring pvp to the next level imo. Large scale works for big guilds, but it sucks for small teams or solo play. Because you feel so alone in the massive map... and your partaking in the battles seem insignificant. Much like corporate businesses and employee number 417 on the third floor.
Define "fair fight" in Cyrodiil, please? XvX? There are always going to be imbalances, whether CP's, gear, number of assailants, "skilled/creative play" (The exploit kind. Not intended to lessen or disrespect the actual skilled players out there.)snuspresten wrote: »Loving the large scale battles in Cyrodiil as they are epic. The issue is they are just that, large scale. It doesn't give you room to flex your skills and fight fair. Further more, it takes too long between a death before you are back in the action. A lot of players want a more steadily paced PvP match. Much like in other MMOs.
It is something that is wished for. I know it probably won't happen any time soon, as it would draw people away from larger scale PvP, but it would be something that a lot of PvPers would enjoy.
I suspect the PvP 4 man dungeon is intended to remedy this. I would equally be surprised if they do not have a leaderboard/weekly/ranking system accordingly.snuspresten wrote: »GeekReaper wrote: »I like the idea of removing the CP via BUFF. 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 would be one of the greatest things in this game. Test your might against others, so what if there are 2 healer/dps templars, that is a valid strategy
Yep. And having an Arena where you have leaderboards and ranking. Giving prizes at end of a season etc. So many things they can do to make it work and it would bring pvp to the next level imo. Large scale works for big guilds, but it sucks for small teams or solo play. Because you feel so alone in the massive map... and your partaking in the battles seem insignificant. Much like corporate businesses and employee number 417 on the third floor.
Does someone rly want to fight 3v3 if the others are 3 Dunmer BatDKs? Rly? i dont think so.....
Does someone rly want to fight 3v3 if the others are 3 Dunmer BatDKs? Rly? i dont think so.....
I'm all in for small scale pvp!
Actually I bought the game hoping they would do this in the future. Also, make some capture the flag and control zone maps. Cant wait for this day.
I'll pay extra for that DLC.
I think this would be cool, but I imagine an area, possibly in a Daedric plane like Boethiah's - this could even be a factionless zone, something I doubt will ever happen in this game but for the purpose of pvp like this, it would make sense.
So there would be an arena, possible a small area within the zone where players would be flagged for pvp within the area, however friendly-fire would be turned off for their group. But it would be down to the community to utilise the zone the same way duelling guilds functions in Cyrodiil.
It's not really an idea filled with much development, as technically it would be the same as Gurubashi Arena in functionality. But in practice, it would be the same as duelling in Cyrodiil, except Zeni would actually indirectly encourage it through a small area which enables anyone to PVP anyone providing they're not in the same group.
Event coordinators and arena commentators would be the players, so Zeni could say that it's an area for role-players and PvP. But I doubt something like this would ever happen, maybe something similar, way, way down the line.
Loads of ways to do this with Housing actually, we could PvP in our Housing / Guild instances in an arena which would be great for RP too.
j.murro2ub17_ESO wrote: »No, then no one will be in Cyrodil. Theres not enough as it is.
TechnicalGeezer wrote: »I thought about this.
It would be nice, however there could be some serious balancing issues with this champion system in place. Two healing/DPS Templars with 1000 champion points = Demolish.
(Not at all saying that Templar is the best class, just using it as an example).