The best CC is petrified. It bypass block and it stun the target if it doesn't have CC immunity. On top of that after the break the target is rooted. It is excellent stamina drain.What are the good CC's for PVP on a dragonknight? atm, I'm using obsidian shard, which is just a 3 sec knockdown.
Petrify is also cheaper than what I'm currently using (Obsidian Shard)
@Draxys actually i would say petrify is stronger than fear when fighting a single target.
It is ranged so it has more versatility in what it can do in a multitude of situations (petrify meteor for example).
Instead of a slow it has a immobilize after wearing off.
Immobilizes are a really powerfull tool to control a fight since certain spells require your charackter to face in the direction of the target. An immobilize prevents players from turning their character manually AND slows down the speed at wich certain abilites turn the chacter as well. For example a frag procc can not instantly be fired on a target standing behind you while you cant move. Instead your character attempts to turn towards the target and then fires the frag. even If the target now moves as well your character will only turn as far as it needed to face the target initially. However since he doesnt face his target anymore he doesnt fire the frag and instead has to begin turning again, wich he only does if you tell him to do so by casting the frag again. ( note this only works for certain spells, fury for example fires regardless of where you are facing and other spells turn you around instantly).
In combination with other spells such as talons (if magicka) immobilizes are a key component to dominate small scale fights as a DK (other classes can use them as well ofc. but talons and fossolize are simply the most effective options).
@Lynx7386 most of these skills actually have their uses in PvP. Defensive rune is a splendid gank protection tool and also has its uses in small scale fights as a final line of defense.
Petrify is incredibly usefull since it does not share the cast time woes of the other disorients and can be used efficiently in burst combos and as a tool to control the fight as mentioned above (even by stam dks btw).
Agony however is and probably will always be useless. Especially after erics comment that they "buffed it by increasing the ramping up damage" makes me wonder if he even knows how this skill is used in actual combat (spoiler: not at all).
Petrify, Agony, and Rune Prison all suffer the same issues: They're long duration hard CC spells in a game that either doesnt allow them to work properly or never gives you cause to use them.
In Group PvE, CC spells like these simply arent necessary. Any enemy that you'd actually need to use the spell on will be inherently immune to it, and any other enemy is weak enough to be AoE'd down by the group.
In PvP, players can instantly break out of these CC spells and gain CC immunity to everything else at the same time.
All 3 should be completely replaced with actual useful abilities, IMO.