BeardLumber wrote: »Of course we have to pay for IC, it's new content. Just because we've been paying for this game from the start doesn't mean we deserve free things.
Everyone needs to stop feeling entitled, it's not a very attractive look.
Sallington wrote: »BeardLumber wrote: »Of course we have to pay for IC, it's new content. Just because we've been paying for this game from the start doesn't mean we deserve free things.
Everyone needs to stop feeling entitled, it's not a very attractive look.
The whole point of the subscription model is that content like this is part is part of the service. A lot of us basically funded this content from launch, and are now being charged again to purchase the content we already funded with our $15/month.
Either way, this shouldn't be more than $10 in crowns. $15 MAX.
wenxue2222b16_ESO wrote: »Every new zone from B2P day onwards was always going to be paid for DLC. That's been pretty clear I think.
Spectral_Lord wrote: »I've maybe seen that horse maybe twice since it was released.theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO wrote: »People will pay 30$ for a blue horse, but 25$ for actual content is an outrage
Sallington wrote: »BeardLumber wrote: »Of course we have to pay for IC, it's new content. Just because we've been paying for this game from the start doesn't mean we deserve free things.
Everyone needs to stop feeling entitled, it's not a very attractive look.
The whole point of the subscription model is that content like this is part is part of the service. A lot of us basically funded this content from launch, and are now being charged again to purchase the content we already funded with our $15/month.
Either way, this shouldn't be more than $10 in crowns. $15 MAX.
Yes OP. This seems a joke. Forced pvp and you have to pay for it. Doesnt matter if you have been here eating bugs since beta. Doesnt matter if youve been subbed. You are just another random $$$oul in this molag ball'$ realm.
Nah, I invested rougly $280 in this game through prepurchase and sub. I'm not paying any more.
bertenburnyb16_ESO wrote: »I didnt expect it to be free, but know alot of people were hoping for it
now where did I leave that popcorn..... ah here it is
We should really start taking bets on how many thread about this are going to pop up today.
OP: If you subbed for a year, you got enough crowns in the TU conversion to cover the IC DLC.
If you chose to spend them on something else, that's another story.
It was pretty clear from the start of b2p that you will have to pay for DLCs. Its an essential part of the model.