Let me start of by saying that I main as a stamina based nightblade and as such have most to gain from this change. That said, I would like to make the following proposal without sparking a discussion on my eligibility to make it.
It was announced that the night blade ability shadow cloak in the future will not be cancelled by detection potions, not much more information has been given.
I would like to consolidate the information received so far and also to give my thoughts on a proposed modification of the change. Let me recap first.
- Shadow Cloak and all Morphs will provide immunity to detection potions
- Radiant Magelight will still be able to uncover cloaked targets
- Damage will still uncover cloaked targets
Please correct me if I am wrong on these assumptions.
Currently, cloak has two morphs, one of them removes DoTs, the other one provides an increased crit chance while under it's influence. While the DoT-Morph is widely used in PvP, the crit morph seems to be less usefull once you have a thoroughly equipped character - crit rates in the range of 60-70% are easily achievable, making the improvement to 100% for a single attack lacklustre. On the other hand, the DoT removal morph is also not very useful in PvE, since DoTs play a role mainly in group content where dedicated healers usually run some means of mass
purge ability (The last part is conjecture - the only group content I personally enjoy and regularly take part in is PvP, so feel free to again correct me). Thus, both morphs of this ability have relatively little use in PvE aside from the base functionality to render one invisible.
Now, this time with view on PvP mainly, the counters available against cloak:
- DoTs continuing to tick while cloaked, each damage tick will break cloak
- Delayed damage attacks (namely curse & inevitable)
- Radiant Magelight morph. Inner light does not provide this functionality anymore. Not sure about the base ability atm.
- Untargeted AoE attacks will hit the cloaker and break cloak. Rumor is that Steel Tornado will miss, maybe this is only true for magicka based AoE (confirmation appreciated)
- Mass CC seems to be working as well. I have personally been taloned while cloaked many times and I have used a lucky fear to also bring a cloaker to light. Again, the crucial feature seems to be the untargetted nature.
- Detecion Pots.
Of all these counters, the most used ones are the DoT/Delayed damage and Detection pots. The others are unreliable (most AoE requires you to be nearby the target), inconvenient (radiant's only benefit at the cost of one or even two skill slots) or dubious (sometimes, CC effects miss you or you dodge them).
Coming back to the two available morphs, one of them reduces the dependable countermeasures by a large amount, since the only abilities still functioning for this are either class restricted or gated behind a significant investment into PvP. The Dark Cloak morph removes all normal DoTs from this equation while the Shadowy Disguise morph is basically redundant.
Please consider to make the Potion immunity a feature of the Shadowy Disguise morph only. This way, both morphs have a viability and both morphs have remaining dependable counters. If any, make the 100% crit for a single attack be a perk that both morphs provide - it is of little effect anyways. Please note that I would also be very happy with the crit chance perk removal, should that be a balance concern.
The viability of either morph for PvE is still minor aside from the base benefit, with Dark Cloak being slightly more useful for solo play. Now if the Shadowy Disguise thing would give invisibility to things like "watchdog" type NPCs, it would be a very nice alternative also. Bear in mind that City Guards would still have to have the detection ability as they are supposed to be the punishment mechanism for the justice system.
NB: Tagging some people just for raising awareness:
@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_EricWrobel @ZOS_JasonLeavey @ZOS_BrianWheeler
NB: Interesting... With Eric's handle you do not get the usual pop-up... Any "conspiracy theorytists" out there?