Maintenance for the week of March 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 3
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 4, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)
• NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)



will be updated every week

2. TOP trading guilds EU by rating -
will be updated every month
there is 28 guilds atm, if your guild wanna to participate in global rating - see info in the end of the post


Activity rating:
x= inactive players 10+ days
y= inactive players 30+ days
best rating 0-0.5
middle rating 0.5-2.0
worst rating 2.0-10.0

Veteran rating:
x= all veterans
y= vr14 players
best rating 10.0-5.0
middle rating 5.0-2.0
worst rating 2.0-0.0

Trading rating:
in todo list
im not sure how to calculate it
because the total operations on the store very different if guild have a NPC trader, or without trader
i can take all operations during a month
but its alot of numbers and time, and also we need an addon for it


/tell @QuadroTony
in the game or mail me
i will tell you nicknames of my ambassadors, they will join to your guild to check the numbers and add to the rating
Edited by QuadroTony on August 2, 2015 8:44AM
  • Lleksu
    Edited by Lleksu on July 15, 2015 9:48AM
  • QuadroTony
    discuss and participate
  • Etaniel
    Feels good to be in both Harrods and TTM <3
    Noricum | Kitesquad


    AR 41 DC DK

  • QuadroTony
    yes, nice guilds
  • Turelus
    This is going to be a good thread to watch, thanks QuadroTony.

    I can also see trade guilds now kicking anyone offline for more than five days to get that number 1 active guild spot. :tongue:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • iTzStevey
    Are any of these active on ps4? Could do with a decent trade guild. :)
  • QuadroTony
    wow 5 days its to harsh
    some players can play only at holidays
  • RollDodger
  • Leandor
    Proposal for "Trading Rating"
    1. Calculate relative turnaround
      • Take the weekly turnaround (total sales worth) every time the guild actually has a trader.
      • Build a weekly average by summing up this number over all guilds that participate in a given week (and have a trader) and dividing it by number of participating guilds. Do not include guilds that have a turnaround of zero (due to no trader or trader in abysmal location).
      • Normalize income of an individual guild by dividing specific guild turnaround by average turnaround. Guilds with zero turnaround get a zero rating for further calculations.
    2. Calculate activity index
      • For each guild, count how often a guild has a trader each month
      • Divide by 5
      • For this rating, the leading and lagging "half weeks" will count as a full week in case month's end does not conform to sales week end (which will usually be the case).
    3. Calculate a monthly average relative turnaround by adding the numbers up and then dividing it by 5. This way weeks without a trader or a trader at a spot without any sales are given a significant influence.
    4. Multiply the average relative turnaround with the activity index.
    5. Update monthly.
    This will give you an indication on the quality of items provided and the guild's willingness to fork out large amounts for a premier spot (total turnaround) as well as the consistency (activity index). With this you do not get a fixed evaluation range as in your other indices, but a relative index dependent on actual monthly sales volume.

    It is a complicated proposal that requires a lot of data mining, but in my opinion also gives a very balanced "success rate" of the respective guild. It caters to guilds who will safe money to once every other week get a good spot but then are worthy for a client to look at (due to quality of offers; -> high turnaround but low activity) as well as guilds that manage to regularly secure a good spot even though the offers are usually less attractive (-> low turnaround but high activity).

    In case we come upon a February that runs from guild trader bidding to guild trader bidding on a none-leap-year. adjust the dividers above to 4 since you will have exactly 4 full weeks to consider.
  • QuadroTony
    thanks! great solutions
  • andy_s
    Sorry, but your ratings don't make any sense. How a sum of a few people in a guild divided by 100 can tell everything? Does it mean a guild with 500 v14 people who are online everyday is a best trading guild? Hope you will improve your system and consult with people who are actually familiar with the business :)
    World's First Cloudrest Hardmode + Speed Run + No Death w/ HODOR
    Tick-Tock Tormentor & All vHoF Achievements done w/ Chimaira
    World's First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (patch 1.5)
    World#2 vMoL All Achievements w/ Aquila Raiders
  • QuadroTony
    andy.s wrote: »
    Sorry, but your ratings don't make any sense. How a sum of a few people in a guild divided by 100 can tell everything? Does it mean a guild with 500 v14 people who are online everyday is a best trading guild? Hope you will improve your system and consult with people who are actually familiar with the business :)

    thats why i called ratings by proper name

    do you see it?


  • andy_s
    QuadroTony wrote: »
    thats why i called ratings by proper name

    do you see it?


    None of it is useful and reflects a guild's trading activity. With the same success you can count a number of dunmers in a guild, divide them by a number of argonians and get a new rating. It's interesting to know, but not useful at all :)

    World's First Cloudrest Hardmode + Speed Run + No Death w/ HODOR
    Tick-Tock Tormentor & All vHoF Achievements done w/ Chimaira
    World's First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (patch 1.5)
    World#2 vMoL All Achievements w/ Aquila Raiders
  • Leandor
    Instead of complaining, you could make a proposal on a rating that you consider useful, mate... OP specifically asked for a good "trading" index.

    Edited by Leandor on July 15, 2015 12:45PM
  • Tors
    You need a rating to show which Chefs in the various guilds are the fattest
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • QuadroTony

    so you think guild with 200 dead souls and 10 veteran players can sell more than guild with 0 inactive players and 500 veterans?
  • QuadroTony
    and you missed 3rd rating, trading
    it will be added later
    its not easy to make
    Edited by QuadroTony on July 15, 2015 12:48PM
  • andy_s
    The real question is why do we need any ratings for guilds we already know. Most of them are located in Craglorn and Reaper's March. For me it doesn't matter if Payday is 3rd or 10th as long as it's trader is in Craglorn, but recently it fails to hire a trader (and that's probably the most important thing). Also it doesn't allow sales in guild chat, sometimes this is frustrating... So maybe you should start to ask people what is important for them in trading guilds. The number of v14 won't be even in top 5 in that list I believe :)

    Personally I think it would be more interesting to know about some guilds which don't have traders in popular spots, but can offer stuff that is currently in a demand, like crafting mats and pots for good prices. Maybe they don't even exist, I don't know... That's why I usually stop searching something after checking 2-3 top trading areas.
    World's First Cloudrest Hardmode + Speed Run + No Death w/ HODOR
    Tick-Tock Tormentor & All vHoF Achievements done w/ Chimaira
    World's First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (patch 1.5)
    World#2 vMoL All Achievements w/ Aquila Raiders
  • Mishanya

    Great system.
    But why so complicated?
    Why you even divide it? We'll just take it as it is.

    Here is simplified Improved system:

    Activity rating:
    x= inactive players 10+ days
    y= inactive players 30+ days
    best rating 0-50
    middle rating 50-200
    worst rating 200-1000

    Veteran rating:
    x= all veterans
    y= vr14 players
    best rating 1000-500
    middle rating 500-150
    worst rating 150-0.0

    No need to thanks
    Wasting time is an important part of life
  • QuadroTony
    i just like small numbers :*
  • Flaminir
    Mishanya wrote: »
    Great system.
    But why so complicated?
    Why you even divide it? We'll just take it as it is.

    Here is simplified Improved system:

    Activity rating:
    x= inactive players 10+ days
    y= inactive players 30+ days
    best rating 0-50
    middle rating 50-200
    worst rating 200-1000

    Veteran rating:
    x= all veterans
    y= vr14 players
    best rating 1000-500
    middle rating 500-150
    worst rating 150-0.0

    No need to thanks

    I know that we want a simple system here & I get what @QuadroTony is trying to create & applaud his efforts...

    But the ratings in their current state are too random & simplified to have any real meaning as somebody above pointed out.

    Trade is a complex beast... and these scores in their current state & taken in isolation from other factors are really quite meaningless. What we essentially have here is nothing more than a list of what everybody already knows are some of the biggest trading guilds in the prime locations.

    EG: The activity of people.... several issues:

    1. This does not tell you how active they are at selling, nor how many items they list etc. Thus is pretty meaningless. I could have a guild with 100 active people who don't sell that much being outperformed by a guild with 20 active sellers.
    2. The two measure aren't weighted but treated equally. Players offline for more than 30 days is far more useful than those away for 10. People have lives, holidays etc.... a few days away is not a problem.... 30+ days usually is in terms of trading guilds, yet this measure treats them both equally.

    Agree with Mishanya.... if it's just a comparative score that's being looked for then just add them up.... but this again doesn't actually tell us anything as to whether it's a good or bad trading guild when compared to others.... and as that is the point of this index then I would question the need for these particular scores.

    If you want to do a form of index/scoring to evaluate the relative merits of trading guilds then there are only a couple of things worth measuring (To keep it simple):

    1. Weekly/monthly total value of sales.
    You can score a hundred different contributing factors to this (Which is what you're doing with scores in the OP) but the only real measurable thing that matters is... Are they selling stuff? & which guild is selling the most?
    2. How many weeks of the month they had a trader (& you could tier this with locations.... EG Gold traders are in Craglorn/Reapers/Undaunted cities...... silver are in zone capital cities..... bronze are the out of the way traders.... give them a score each week.... 3 points for a gold trader, 2 for a silver, and 1 for a bronze).
    3. Are restrictions placed upon the player base for other forms of selling? (EG in guild chat) or taxes , joining fees etc

    That's all we need... are they selling stuff? (Which will naturally include the contributory factor elements you're measuring)..... are they giving the opportunity to sell stuff by having a decent trader? ... .are they helping the players to trade by having chat access? You could maybe include a section on any taxes/raffles etc that may be in force.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • QuadroTony
    thanks for answers! i will consider abuot other forms of additional ratings and trading system
  • RollDodger
    great! bookmarked this topic
  • RollDodger
    how about also PVE/PVP rating? or its too hard
  • Animus_Igneus
    Number of Veteran characters doesn't really have anything to do with it since the most-traded items are generally high tier mats (especially upgrades) and consumables/the mats to make said consumables, V14 dropped gear is a niche.
    Even activity of members is wildly speculative and could either have a great deal of, or none entirely, a bearing on the actual sales and subsequent profits that a merchant Guild experiences - and by holding up these things as indicative of a 'good trade guild' is almost entirely false.

    For example, you could have a merchant guild that just spams recruitment all day every day and thus has 500/500 active within days, but that doesn't necessarily mean every single one of them trades masses of items, they could have a terrible sense of worth and doing nothing but putting quest reward greens up for 500g... At the same time you could have a trade Guild with only 200 active within a week, but the majority of that 200 are heavily invested in trading and put things up for competitive prices and target most-sold items.

    Even then they could have an entirely toxic community and charge membership fees, or not have a regular trader but still have 500/500 on daily - so many variables unaccounted for.

    Saddens me that a person who took it upon themselves to make a leaderboard for the supposedly 'best' trading Guilds appears to know nothing about the subject.
    Current Guildmaster of the (EU) Imperial Trading Company
    The original ESO Merchant Guild
  • QuadroTony

    in my lists there is no any "false" trading guilds
    and all of them known as top and have good traders almost every week

    trading rating will be added later
    Edited by QuadroTony on July 15, 2015 7:58PM
  • QuadroTony
    Tamrizon added!
  • Blobsky
    How did you get activity so low for traveling merchant? We kick after 2 days inactive XD and ALL players require a vet character... Really though the only real measures are sales
    Yt Channell: Blobsky

    DC EU Nightblade
    Owner of 'The Travelling Merchant' - Craglorn trade guild since near release!
  • Flaminir
    Blobsky wrote: »
    How did you get activity so low for traveling merchant? We kick after 2 days inactive XD and ALL players require a vet character... Really though the only real measures are sales


    Measuring when somebody last logged in & what level their character is, really has no straight correlation to how good a trade guild is.

    OP has a good idea, but is measuring totally the wrong things to be able to say who the top trading guilds are. The measures at the top are misleading at best.
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • QuadroTony
    as i told - for trading activity i need some1 to write an addon
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