- Must have a microphone
- Must keep all sale listings at max capacity (30/30)
- You must also keep your prices competitive, meaning we require you to be actively checking prices, and changing them accordingly.
- We will not condone selling partial stacks of materials for full price, use your math skills... or a calculator..
- WE DO NOT CONDONE SCAMS, or TRICKS of any sort; If found guilty you will be removed from the company, and have your name slammed on every ESO forum we can find

- Lastly, Our primary goal at Bleakrock Bay Trading Co. is to make our company a leading name you can trust; trust to have the best prices and everything you need. As such we require only certain people to fill certain criteria, of which follows below.
- Note: When applying as a skill tradesmen you must be at rank 9/9 and Expertise rating of 3/3; Also one must leave their PSNetwork name, email, and state which division you are applying for.
(if you feel uncomfortable leaving your email address on this forum please message Recluse420 on PSNetwork)
01/80 Blacksmiths
00/80 Clothiers
00/80 Enchanters
00/80 Woodcrafters
00/80 Provisionists
00/80 Alchemists
00/20 Item Farmers
Edited by recluse4two0 on July 15, 2015 1:19AM