Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts


"It's not who we are, but what we do that defines us".

New and keen to expand freeform ebonheart pact guild,we play for fun, we play to win, we play for ourselves and we play for each other.All we ask of anyone is that they be social,behave,and help us to be the best! B) we are aiming to play PvP and PvE and the more we expand the bigger the pool of experience and people willing to help gets! We accept Noobs and vets of all shapes and sizes,comedians and serial thinkers that wanna talk space & time etc lols so come one, come all

Anyone interested, please add R_E_Lentless from the friends section in game with a msg simply saying you wanna join (so I know you're not a randomer) and also state what type of character you are e.g dps rogue, tank warrior, mage etc etc

"I used to be an adventurer, like you, until I took an arrow in the knee....."
Edited by R_E_Lentless on August 11, 2015 11:40AM
  • Leafy85
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join your guild. My game name is Leafster
  • R_E_Lentless
    Added you buddy
  • HighTower99
    Soul Shriven
    i would like to join hopping that u will help me level my enchanting and such at the moment my main character is level 19, and im a dark elf only going for PVE at the moment
    my psn: Anders_Bjerregaa
  • R_E_Lentless
    Happy days will add you tomorrow buddy
  • dovahshin
    Hi can I join your guild ?
  • dovahshin
    Lv 35 dk new to guilds :)
  • R_E_Lentless
    Will add you now
  • R_E_Lentless
    Dovahshin what's your PSN ID bud.
  • R_E_Lentless
    Just hit 10 members!!Woop Woop! steadily growing
  • mcsullivan
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Man,

    Im interested in joining your guild. Im a level 31 Mage so pretty nooby my username is Mcsullivan94 :) I would add you but i dont finish work until 5 haha
  • mcsullivan
    Soul Shriven
    actually that username is wrong haha my PSN username is RyanMcAree
  • R_E_Lentless
    Ahh fresh blood will be on later bud so I'll get it squared
  • R_E_Lentless
    Dovahshin, if you're still interested,need your PSN dude
  • R_E_Lentless
    Answers I have added you, let me know when you come online that you got the invite
  • R_E_Lentless
  • Moirauk88
    Soul Shriven
    psn moira-uk if you have space :)
  • viepax83
    Soul Shriven
    id like to join, psn viepax83 game name viepax

    thanks in advance
  • R_E_Lentless
    Will add you as soon as I'm online peeps, the other guys from yesterday, I added you as friends but can't add you as guild members till we are online together.if I'm not on this afternoon I should definitely be online from 7ish
  • R_E_Lentless
    UK time btw
  • R_E_Lentless
  • xxl246890
    Hey guys me and friend would like to join guild for PvE dungeons and later when we reach veteran PvP
    Psn: real_xxl246890 nord/templar/tank
    Psn: elderlag dark elf/templar/magicka dps(destruction/restoration staff)

  • R_E_Lentless
    Awesome!! Will add you both now
  • R_E_Lentless
  • R_E_Lentless
  • R_E_Lentless
    29 members and looking to expand towards guild store unlock!

    We are a casual mix of vets,rooks,pvp'rs and pve'rs! Social,friendly and helpful we are aiming for about 60 members total.
    We are having our 2nd guild event this Sunday at 2030hrs meeting at riften craft hall to go into cyrodil and smash things up!Also looking for vets to do undaunted pledges and craglorn questing!
    If interested msg me or Kis4Killer in game or on psn and we will go from there!

    Stay classy folks

    'The skies are darkening, be the light!'
  • Dankarie
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join my PSN is Dankarie
  • R_E_Lentless
    Happy days will add you tomorrow friend!
  • Dankarie
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for letting me join.
  • R_E_Lentless
  • R_E_Lentless
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