I've noticed a few times that my ps4 was having issues rendering some things at a short distance. Recently, I had some enemies appear right in my path suddenly. Thinking they just spawned, I quickly backed up and they vanished again. They wouldn't stay visible unless I was very close to them.
Sallington wrote: »I've noticed a few times that my ps4 was having issues rendering some things at a short distance. Recently, I had some enemies appear right in my path suddenly. Thinking they just spawned, I quickly backed up and they vanished again. They wouldn't stay visible unless I was very close to them.
Are the hard drives in the consoles 5400rpm drives or 7200rpm drives? That could have a lot to do with delayed texture pop-in.
Sallington wrote: »I've noticed a few times that my ps4 was having issues rendering some things at a short distance. Recently, I had some enemies appear right in my path suddenly. Thinking they just spawned, I quickly backed up and they vanished again. They wouldn't stay visible unless I was very close to them.
Are the hard drives in the consoles 5400rpm drives or 7200rpm drives? That could have a lot to do with delayed texture pop-in.
5400rpm, but I am not sure that is the reason. I would step forward and they would appear and step back and they would vanish. I was maybe 15-20 meters away from them.
crytantrevors wrote: »Thats kind of a joke though the hardware in the consoles are sufficant.... 8 gigs of ddr 5 ram and an 8 core graphics apu.... I have played mmorpgs on really crappy computers half as good that could handle further draw distances... I dont belive the consoles cant handle it. Also i noted they shpuld allow it to be toggable in the options so people who would complain could stay happy as it is and others who wanted could increase the view... And like i said skyrim had further draw distances on okd gen consoles. No i dont belive for a 2nd that a next gen console on par with most gaming pcs cant handle a slightly further rendering distance
5400rpm, but I am not sure that is the reason. I would step forward and they would appear and step back and they would vanish. I was maybe 15-20 meters away from them.
Sallington wrote: »crytantrevors wrote: »Thats kind of a joke though the hardware in the consoles are sufficant.... 8 gigs of ddr 5 ram and an 8 core graphics apu.... I have played mmorpgs on really crappy computers half as good that could handle further draw distances... I dont belive the consoles cant handle it. Also i noted they shpuld allow it to be toggable in the options so people who would complain could stay happy as it is and others who wanted could increase the view... And like i said skyrim had further draw distances on okd gen consoles. No i dont belive for a 2nd that a next gen console on par with most gaming pcs cant handle a slightly further rendering distance
The 8 core AMD Jaguar processor is basically a tablet-grade processor. The clock is what, something like 1.9-2.0ghz? And that's for AMD which have awful single core performance. The only reason they get by in PC's is because people can OC them to 4.5-5ghz regularly.
MMOs, being notoriously CPU-bound, are at the mercy of the terrible CPUs in the consoles. I'll agree that the GPU is OK, basically the equivalent of a 2 year old mid-range GPU.
stevenbennett_ESO wrote: »5400rpm, but I am not sure that is the reason. I would step forward and they would appear and step back and they would vanish. I was maybe 15-20 meters away from them.
If this is only in a particular area, this may not be a console draw distance issue, but a more general quirk involving phases. I was recently playing, on PC, in Rivenspire doing the Doomcrag stuff, and after opening the first portal, I found the exit side of the alternate path and started exploring down it backwards. I had several locations where creatures phased in only when I was really close (and disappeared again when I backed up), and one location where creatures were phased in at a distance, but disappeared when I closed for combat.
I've noticed a few times that my ps4 was having issues rendering some things at a short distance. Recently, I had some enemies appear right in my path suddenly. Thinking they just spawned, I quickly backed up and they vanished again. They wouldn't stay visible unless I was very close to them.
Mettaricana wrote: »Can they at least fix it so enemy player icons in pvp show up at a better range they practically within breathe sharing distance before we can identify them as ep dc or ad