Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

<Open> Critz & Gigglez (AD) is recruiting for pve/pvp endgame

West Coast guild, brand new, is looking for experienced MMORPG (doesn't have to be ESO, but need an understanding of raiding/grouping/pvp) players to grow together and work up through levels/vRanks. This is NOT a trading guild. This is NOT a free bite guild. This is NOT a troll guild. If you are looking for any of those 3 things, please move along. You'll be expected to participate regularly & contribute to the success of the guild. Hanging out hoping for freebies or easy loot for sale won't be tolerated.

I am looking for a select group of people right now. This will not be blind, anyone can join invites. Recruitment at this time is limited to 39 people.

Why you may ask? Because good groups consist of people who play together consistently. To start we will be focusing on 3 core groups of 12 (with each core having 3 groups of 4), with 4 relief players. If anyone has played WoW beyond leveling, then you understand why we will be focusing on this setup for ESO and their group limits. (recruiting will change as group limits/needs change)

Currently recruiting will be limited to those level 25+. Not to undermine anyone starting out but I would like those joining to be in the same overall area, have a sense of progression\game mechanics already, and be ready to band together and speed through the zones.

Recruiting will also be limited to 1 core player per invite. Meaning, if you have 3 AD characters that join understand that you will still only be counted as 1 member of your group. You can switch between your characters as needed, or act as relief for a group if someone didn't log on, but all 3 characters won't get a group for themselves.

Right now groups are focused in AD only, you can have characters on other realms, play on them etc. but I'm building good groups for one alliance right now. This will have it's own benefit as good groups will bleed over in other things like multi faction characters getting to play together and depending on preferences, multiple guilds can form out of this one to encompass all factions in alliance wars.

"But what about pvp? You keep talking about pve only." That's right, I am. Because in my experience in MMORPG's some of the best pvp groups come from those who dungeon/raid together daily. Those that slay together...well, slay even better together in other stuff too.

Recruiting will also be limited on classes as well, no offense to anyone, just doesn't bode well for group dynamics if we have too much of one thing.

Mic is required. You don't need to be a social butterfly running around Tamriel, but you can't expect efficiency without guild communication.

If you're interested in joining a more serious, content oriented guild please post a reply including:

Times of day/night you generally play
Preferred core role (Damage, Support, Tank, Healer)
Endgame pve/pvp experience in the MMORPG genre
5 out of 6 people like playing Russian Roulette.
  • Timeetyo
    PSN - Timeetyo
    Most days, 5-10ish PST
    Tank (full V14 epic geared)
    Full clear of group/raid content for many MMOs including WoW (BC), AoC, Warhammer, Rift

  • TwzytedFrye
    Bump, will get you in the am bro. Been kinda slow as you're the first one lol. If you know some peeps send them over, but still looking for a good group of people to come up with.

    And can't believe I forgot to add my own deets.

    PSN - Twyzted7

    PST - Tues through sat around 7 - 11, Sunday & Monday usually all day after 2 or so.

    Altmer/Sorc/V1 (raising up an AD DK as well)

    Full glass cannon Ignition build with a healer off spec on weapon swap

    2 time Glad (S2 & S4) in PVP, Server 1st in WOTLK 10m H clears, Ran all heroic progression for around 3 years dedicated in wow.
    5 out of 6 people like playing Russian Roulette.
  • Bic
    Hi TwzytedFrye,

    I came across your ad and thought it would be something myself and friends are looking for!

    There are 3 of us - and without sounding too picky, its kind of a 3-for-1 package! So hopefully you are keen on all 3 of us.

    Ill break down the details of our PSN below, however some general knowledge about the 3 of us.

    We're Australian - looking at 4am-10am EDT on Mon-Thurs and 8pm-10am Fri-Sun would be our core times of playing. Because of our setup, we've run all group dungeons as just the 3 of us - never really needed a 4th - obviously with end game content in mind, we realise we need to join an organised guild.

    PSN: xBic-

    Imperial - Nightblade - Vet Rank 2
    DPS- Bow/2h/DW- Stamina Based Assasination/Shadow
    Played WoW back in the day

    PSN: venomousvenom

    Altmer - Templar - Vet Rank 2

    PSN: switchblade_24

    Bosmer - Dragon Knight - Vet Rank 2

    Feel free to shoot me a message if you want more info.

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