the vamp is kinda like all the other skill lines. You will only leveling it if you use it. The best way i figured to level it is two things. on your main bar, but a vamp skill. and use the vamp ultimate. at level 19 you should be able to bite ppl around level 30. Quest rewards when vamp skills on your bars levels it very fast. More skills on the bar, the faster it levels.
starkerealm wrote: »
Yeah, this doesn't actually work at all. Like all the World skill lines, Vampire ignores your equipped skills.
I got bitten at level 8 and my vampire didn't hit level 6 until level 29.
starkerealm wrote: »
No, it never worked like that. I've used Harven's Experience Bars addon to track XP intake for skill lines (on and off) since launch. Vampire has always gotten a duplicate share of your incoming XP, without modification. You might have experienced a bug, but your equipped vampire skills aren't supposed to effect it. Or, it could have been confirmation bias, "this should make it raise faster, so it feels like it's going up faster now."
Also, as you go up, Vampire will tick up faster, because your XP income will gradually scale over time.
But, the only skill lines that are affected by equipped skills are class lines, weapons, and (I think) armor (though it's been awhile since I checked those.) The three guild lines and four World lines all have their own leveling priorities, and you can't tweak those by equipping skills from their lines. Also your racial line, for that matter, but there's no active to equip there.
I have only been a vampire during the pc launch days, and i could of swore that i have leveled up vamp a few times by using a skill. but hey, memory can get foogy at times!
thanks for keeping me on track homies.
@Pman85 , it has. It's been made even more pathetic than it was. I had to mouse over the tooltip myself to believe it, and hoped it was a typo.