crown store motifs?

Soul Shriven
so i was looking at the motif prices on the crown store and was wondering if anyone that bought the rare pack can tell me something, when you bought it, did you just learn all the styles? or did you get 4 books that you could use/sell/or put on a different toon. i really want the dwemer one but was thinking if i got books i could sell the high elf and primal books to buy the dwarven.
  • AerospaceNinja
    Soul Shriven
    Anything bought from the crown store is bound to your character. So you won't be able to sell anything you buy off of it.
  • Robbmrp
    You can however use it on different characters by putting it in the bank and withdrawing. But as @AerospaceNinja stated above, they are bound and cannot be sold.
    NA Server - Kildair
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