AssaultLemming wrote: »So I've been playing Splatoon lately, and what really stands out for me is that all the rewards are based around winning the match. No reward for how many kills you get so KDR is totally irrelevant. It makes for the most engaging game style, everyone plays the objectives and works to support the team.
Eso could learn a lot from this. Currently in PvP the only real rewards are from AP for the majority of the players, with only a tiny percentage getting any sort of real reward from winning the campaign. I find myself not caring who wins or loses because I can't put in enough hours to get to the top 2% so my focus is on earning as much AP as possible and I see this same behavior in a lot of other players too. It's a direct result of the poor campaign rewards.
Now I have characters who would really like Master's weapons, but I'm really not in a position to grind out hours and hours of Dsa to earn them, plus I'm already bored of PvE having played since beta.
It would be great if PvP campaign rewards could be significantly increased, preferably with a chance for everyone from the winning alliance to get something nice. Higher scoring people should certainly get more rewards or a better chance, but everyone should get at least some lottery bags and a shot at a master's weapon.
The last few campaigns I've placed somewhere between 200 and 300 and got about 4500g which really feels like a slap in the face. Seriously it doesn't even cover my costs, not even close.
With the new campaign structures announced I really hope they are going to do something about the poor state of campaign rewards, because at the moment it looks like the same problems will be there, so why would I join a campaign focused around resources or elder scrolls when it's likely that the best ap rewards will be found in the campaign based around keeps?
Just my two cents.
AhPook_Is_Here wrote: »AssaultLemming wrote: »So I've been playing Splatoon lately, and what really stands out for me is that all the rewards are based around winning the match. No reward for how many kills you get so KDR is totally irrelevant. It makes for the most engaging game style, everyone plays the objectives and works to support the team.
Eso could learn a lot from this. Currently in PvP the only real rewards are from AP for the majority of the players, with only a tiny percentage getting any sort of real reward from winning the campaign. I find myself not caring who wins or loses because I can't put in enough hours to get to the top 2% so my focus is on earning as much AP as possible and I see this same behavior in a lot of other players too. It's a direct result of the poor campaign rewards.
Now I have characters who would really like Master's weapons, but I'm really not in a position to grind out hours and hours of Dsa to earn them, plus I'm already bored of PvE having played since beta.
It would be great if PvP campaign rewards could be significantly increased, preferably with a chance for everyone from the winning alliance to get something nice. Higher scoring people should certainly get more rewards or a better chance, but everyone should get at least some lottery bags and a shot at a master's weapon.
The last few campaigns I've placed somewhere between 200 and 300 and got about 4500g which really feels like a slap in the face. Seriously it doesn't even cover my costs, not even close.
With the new campaign structures announced I really hope they are going to do something about the poor state of campaign rewards, because at the moment it looks like the same problems will be there, so why would I join a campaign focused around resources or elder scrolls when it's likely that the best ap rewards will be found in the campaign based around keeps?
Just my two cents.
Honestly you should just pvp for fun. If you are PVPing for master weapons you can get them much faster in VDSA. IMO fun is the best reward for pvp when the game works.