Newbie question on vr1 grinding

1.So I am so bored of questing I think I'll go grind zombies in Glenumbra for a bit. Is this viable? Are xp rates better than questing if I'm grinding. The only mmo I really played was wow and Osrs so I'm used to grinding. I just want to make sure it's worth it.
2.Also, let's say I mob grind to vr12 then decide to finally do cad wells silver, will I still get xp doing vr1 quests as a vr12?
Thanks so much guys/gals
"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination"
-Mark Twain
  • Qyrk
    Grinding is always much more efficient than questing with the right place, right time, and right rotation.

  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Qyrk wrote: »
    Grinding is always much more efficient than questing with the right place, right time, and right rotation.

    Traditionally in MMOs, perhaps yes. But personally, I disagree with this for ESO: You'll likely be wanting to go back and get the achievements/skyshards one day to continue to improve your character. Grinding only to increase your VR isn't time-efficient. Add to this the fact that whilst doing quests (which net you the most experience) you're killing enemies most of the time anyways, and it becomes even clearer that grinding alone isn't the smartest option.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
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