I am looking for a group of players to join.
I am playing as a Ebornheart sorc at Vet 5. I am looking for a strong group that isn't perhaps massive in numbers, but well educated in the game mechanics, active in PVE + Vet Dungeons + active on coms. (Communication is a must for me, If there isn't any communication within the group, am not interested)
I am a healer whilst in dungeons, I use a mixture of damage reducing skills + heals. I use 1 skill bar for utilities and the other bar for heals. Naturally, at bosses I will often throw down a AOE DOT to aid in DPS.
I am also active on PVP. However, I swap roles and go burst DPS. I use two swords to get max burst DPS. However, I will often swap to staff if I am working within a group.
I have my own crafting skills + full gear for my current level.
Please leave replies here or message me in game.
PSN : The_Brutix
EU server
TZ England
Thanks in advance