I have 2 VR characters, stam. DK and mag. Sorc., I plan on sticking with my sorcerer for the long run, but I am on consoles now, and am looking for something for lvls 1-50. I know that a lot of combinations could get me there, but I want something kind of unique to try. My goal for the character is to just get all DC achievements and the leveling to 50 ones. The consoles don't count your previously achieved things from PC, so I just need to get those done. Anyways, what I am basically trying to ask is, does anyone have any really unique type builds that I could try? I don't want anything cookie cutter. I had a Stamina Sorc. in mind, but I just want to hear some other ideas, if you have any. So post any builds that are unique in your opinion (if you don't mind sharing), so I can try something different. Thanks.
“Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.