vr 16 speculation

So after the introduction of upcoming vr16, im left with wondering about lots of stuff like everyone else. Besides the things people already is wondering. I have been thinking lots about these things also
  1. Glyphs right now only goes to vr14, will there be released new enchantments?
  2. Potions are still vr5, will there be released any kind of stronger potions, could imagine a potions for stamina tanks that helps in blocking situations
  3. Food/Drink recipes goes to vr10, are there coming new to the game?
  4. Right now also crafting station only goes to vr14, with the current mats we have, so are there coming new mats we need to farm to being able to craft vr16

Im just thinking with the new update, its gonne be seriously huge to make these things happen as well.
  • Sausage
    We know alot more in Monday and after, isnt that the plan to start introducing the Imperial City. All this for 2 VR levels, I want to know whats the plan, what they plan to remove eventually.
    Edited by Sausage on July 10, 2015 2:59PM
  • MCMancub
    We don't know any of this, and, as far as I know, we don't have many clues to speculate about either.
  • Artemiisia
    Im seriously hoping for it, so well I dont get the feel, that endgame is only about leveling another two vr levels, that there are actual progression overall
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Unless there are new mats showing up in IC, I'd say the current voidcloth/voidore/nightwood/shadowhide mats will extend to V16.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Artemiisia
    it would be kind of evil, and fun, if they introduce new mats in a pvp only zone IC, that will both boost the economy and "force" non-pvper to go farm them or buy erm in order to craft new gear

    This is coming from a non-pvper, think im like 98% pve'er, and I dont even mind if this became a reality
  • Xendyn
    Wondering the same on most of that. I hope they have some more detail for us on the 13th.
    They really need to reorganize the Vet mats, void stuff is stretched too far as it is. New waters would be nice and I would think new Enchants would be essential.
    We lived with VR5 food/drink until just recently, so it wouldn't surprise me if they left that but it would be nice to get new stuff there, too.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Turelus
    They could in theory up most crafting materials as this update comes with another new zone (Imperial City) which could be an exclusive place to find the materials.

    If that's the case we're going to see some crazy expensive end game items for a while, however it's going to give many players something to work towards again.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Sausage
    I just figured why we havent gotten Road Ahead in long time, because Zen is ashamed because of this mess.
  • vovus69
    Personally, I would prefer to see the spellcrafting instead of all this group ***. But they chose another path... Will see.
    "If I'll need your opinion, I'll give one to you" - Rivenspire
  • Artemiisia
    I hope more for content like new zones and progression of gear, skills, crafting, hope for better sets that actually requires, 9 trait crafting, thats worth spending so long actually doing. Right now as it sits some of the best sets in the game, thinking like torug, is like 4 trait to be able to craft, easily obtainable.

    They should really make 3-5 new crafting sets thats more powerful and requires maxed out research, but dont go well together, so you still need to actually grind for half the set either in pvp or pve zones
  • Halke
    While we may get new sets and the like, I don't think we will get new items to make the higher level things. I believe this simply because of how the crafting skills are laid out. We are maxed at 50 and have just unlocked the last tier. They would have to rework the whole system to give us new materials. The exception to this of course being enchanting, since it for some reason unlocks at forty.
  • Artemiisia
    for me, I just think they will keep at lvl 50 if they introduce it, but just making a new tier of mats unlocked with maybe your own veteran level instead, so u first can actually craft it when u are at the veteran level
  • Halke
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    for me, I just think they will keep at lvl 50 if they introduce it, but just making a new tier of mats unlocked with maybe your own veteran level instead, so u first can actually craft it when u are at the veteran level

    I hope not, my crafter is v1 >.<
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