Need more buy to win item in the crown store to generate more income so we can get more changes

Need things added to the crown store like xp potions and and more things that let us change stuff about are character like race change and color change or gender change things to give people a since of being able to customize there character more i don't want to have to create a new character just cause i wasn't happy with the way my current one looks plus it would generate more income for the game and more changes could happen that the community has asked from a business stand point these options would be great dcuo is basically pay to play and they have respec tokens that let you change everything about your character almost and why do we not get user names for are names on psn are psn name is the name for every character you create on that account i would like to be able to name characters individual names to give them a since of individuality
Edited by theforgottenking1779 on July 9, 2015 1:12PM
  • theforgottenking1779
    I'm tired of my PlayStation name being my in game name also we should be able to choose separate names for each character we create otherwise it's like it's all the same
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Need things added to the crown store like xp potions and and more things that let us change stuff about are character like race change and color change or gender change things to give people a since of being able to customize there character more i don't want to have to create a new character just cause i wasn't happy with the way my current one looks plus it would generate more income for the game and more changes could happen that the community has asked from a business stand point these options would be great dcuo is basically pay to play and they have respec tokens that let you change everything about your character almost and why do we not get user names for are names on psn are psn name is the name for every character you create on that account i would like to be able to name characters individual names to give them a since of individuality

    Because the in-game ones are negligibly easy to get (not trivial, but extremely easy), XP potions on the crown store at 80 cents an hour aren't buy to win, and with the pricing are basically a convenience item for brand new players who want to get past the basic character levels 1-50 more quickly, by which point they'll have enough gold and continue earning enough, that they can just play and buy the in-game ones with some of their gold.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 9, 2015 1:26PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • theforgottenking1779
    Need things added to the crown store like xp potions and and more things that let us change stuff about are character like race change and color change or gender change things to give people a since of being able to customize there character more i don't want to have to create a new character just cause i wasn't happy with the way my current one looks plus it would generate more income for the game and more changes could happen that the community has asked from a business stand point these options would be great dcuo is basically pay to play and they have respec tokens that let you change everything about your character almost and why do we not get user names for are names on psn are psn name is the name for every character you create on that account i would like to be able to name characters individual names to give them a since of individuality

    Because the in-game ones are negligibly easy to get (not trivial, but extremely easy), XP potions on the crown store at 80 cents an hour aren't buy to win, and with the pricing are basically a convenience item for brand new players who want to get past the basic character levels 1-50 more quickly, by which point they'll have enough gold and continue earning enough, that they can just play and buy the in-game ones with some of their gold.

    That's why they make the in game ones disappear and only make the ones in the crown store matter there is to many ways to obtain things in this game for free all i am saying is they should figure out a way to make ppl's money matter a little more i actually want to spend my money on eso but i don't think there is anything thats worth it i mean the crown store needs to have things put in it that is only available in the crown store and not anywhere else i'm not talking about a simple mounts that's only available from the crown store i'm talking more along the lines of something awesome that would make people want to throw there money at it idk something like ww fur color availability from the crown store or vampire lord costume from the crown store like the one tat was in skyrim this is just my opinion and like i said the ability to change are characters like race etc.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Need things added to the crown store like xp potions and and more things that let us change stuff about are character like race change and color change or gender change things to give people a since of being able to customize there character more i don't want to have to create a new character just cause i wasn't happy with the way my current one looks plus it would generate more income for the game and more changes could happen that the community has asked from a business stand point these options would be great dcuo is basically pay to play and they have respec tokens that let you change everything about your character almost and why do we not get user names for are names on psn are psn name is the name for every character you create on that account i would like to be able to name characters individual names to give them a since of individuality

    Because the in-game ones are negligibly easy to get (not trivial, but extremely easy), XP potions on the crown store at 80 cents an hour aren't buy to win, and with the pricing are basically a convenience item for brand new players who want to get past the basic character levels 1-50 more quickly, by which point they'll have enough gold and continue earning enough, that they can just play and buy the in-game ones with some of their gold.

    That's why they make the in game ones disappear and only make the ones in the crown store matter there is to many ways to obtain things in this game for free all i am saying is they should figure out a way to make ppl's money matter a little more i actually want to spend my money on eso but i don't think there is anything thats worth it i mean the crown store needs to have things put in it that is only available in the crown store and not anywhere else i'm not talking about a simple mounts that's only available from the crown store i'm talking more along the lines of something awesome that would make people want to throw there money at it idk something like ww fur color availability from the crown store or vampire lord costume from the crown store like the one tat was in skyrim this is just my opinion and like i said the ability to change are characters like race etc.

    I can't imagine they would remove the in-game stuff in the first place... as far as stuff that's worth buying for fun/cosmetics/new things to do, I agree... I'd like to see a lot of cosmetic things like costumes (including them being dyable), fluff fireworks to shoot off when we get a new leaderboard time or a friend gets Emperorship... new minigames like horse racing or card-game gambling for gold... new zones for questing and PVP, etc. It's all probably coming, but I do agree there's not a whole lot I've cared to spend my crowns on yet. I bought the ice stallion, but that's it so far.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 9, 2015 1:40PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • theforgottenking1779
    Need things added to the crown store like xp potions and and more things that let us change stuff about are character like race change and color change or gender change things to give people a since of being able to customize there character more i don't want to have to create a new character just cause i wasn't happy with the way my current one looks plus it would generate more income for the game and more changes could happen that the community has asked from a business stand point these options would be great dcuo is basically pay to play and they have respec tokens that let you change everything about your character almost and why do we not get user names for are names on psn are psn name is the name for every character you create on that account i would like to be able to name characters individual names to give them a since of individuality

    Because the in-game ones are negligibly easy to get (not trivial, but extremely easy), XP potions on the crown store at 80 cents an hour aren't buy to win, and with the pricing are basically a convenience item for brand new players who want to get past the basic character levels 1-50 more quickly, by which point they'll have enough gold and continue earning enough, that they can just play and buy the in-game ones with some of their gold.

    That's why they make the in game ones disappear and only make the ones in the crown store matter there is to many ways to obtain things in this game for free all i am saying is they should figure out a way to make ppl's money matter a little more i actually want to spend my money on eso but i don't think there is anything thats worth it i mean the crown store needs to have things put in it that is only available in the crown store and not anywhere else i'm not talking about a simple mounts that's only available from the crown store i'm talking more along the lines of something awesome that would make people want to throw there money at it idk something like ww fur color availability from the crown store or vampire lord costume from the crown store like the one tat was in skyrim this is just my opinion and like i said the ability to change are characters like race etc.

    I can't imagine they would remove the in-game stuff in the first place...

    This might have nothing to do with this but i use to play PlayStation home all the time and it was had tons of free stuff so ppl just thought hey why am i even paying for anything when i can get alot of stuff for free and well yeah we all know how that ended being shut down and when you would always ask them a question on there official forum about something they Wouldn't give you a direct answer so the community got tired of it and just stopped using the service eso reminds me alot of what they did wrong not listening to the community and basically lieing about somethings i'm new to eso but i expected better when i started playing on ps4 i'm kinda disapointed tbh with the way they handle things but that just me i love eso but if some changes aren't done soon this game is going to die in my opinion
  • dabulls7491
    What? No! Play the game, what is the point in a game that is pay to win? Its bad enough that I cant buy a unique mount with gold(that isnt a horse).

    I say make it subscription and remove the crown store crap.
  • theforgottenking1779
    What? No! Play the game, what is the point in a game that is pay to win? Its bad enough that I cant buy a unique mount with gold(that isnt a horse).

    I say make it subscription and remove the crown store crap.

    The point is that from a business standpoint making it to where the crown store has unique items only available in the crown store is good for business more ppl would spend there money on these items and that would generate more revenue so things could get accomplished faster the community ask for
  • Pman85
    P2W is a death sentence. Hands down
    Guildmaster - Order of Stendarr [XB1] - Apply today!

    Brought to you by Fishy Joe's....Ride the walrus!

  • theforgottenking1779
    I mean i get a 10% xp boost for being a eso member when i could just not spend no money at all and make a free xp potion that boost my xp gain by 50% there is a problem there lol this is what i mean put things in the store thats better then the world items besides mounts and stuff like more customize options etc only available from the crowns store tho and make the eso plus xp bonus 50% that way it would actually be worth the money every month
    Edited by theforgottenking1779 on July 9, 2015 2:03PM
  • BloodWolfe
    Wow, use some pun
    What? No! Play the game, what is the point in a game that is pay to win? Its bad enough that I cant buy a unique mount with gold(that isnt a horse).

    I say make it subscription and remove the crown store crap.

    I'm with you on that! I much prefer subscription-based than in-game store based. No-sub actually costs more players more money than the subscription would have.
  • theforgottenking1779
    What? No! Play the game, what is the point in a game that is pay to win? Its bad enough that I cant buy a unique mount with gold(that isnt a horse).

    I say make it subscription and remove the crown store crap.

    The point is that from a business standpoint making it to where the crown store has unique items only available in the crown store is good for business more ppl would spend there money on these items and that would generate more revenue so things could get accomplished faster the community ask for

    This actually could work make it a no free option and only subscription available to play and everything that would have been put in the crowns store u could get in the normal world cause you have a subscription hmm yes this is a good idea it would force ppl to have to spend money this idea ftw also lol
  • Mighty_oakk
    I think the appearance changes are in the works or atleast on a todo list.

    I dont believe the character name > gamer tag will happen. Every online ps4 game i've played uses psn tag so it must require a decent amount of work to change. On the bright side sounds like psn is finally working on a paid name change.

    Wonder when consoles will get xp boosters?
  • theforgottenking1779
    But still up the xp bonus you get for haveing a subscription plus still make it available so we can change are race and color or gender on are characters without have to create a new one but charge for this option
  • dabulls7491
    What? No! Play the game, what is the point in a game that is pay to win? Its bad enough that I cant buy a unique mount with gold(that isnt a horse).

    I say make it subscription and remove the crown store crap.

    The point is that from a business standpoint making it to where the crown store has unique items only available in the crown store is good for business more ppl would spend there money on these items and that would generate more revenue so things could get accomplished faster the community ask for

    Hence, making it subscription based. Instead of buying everything for cash. So that you have to work for things in game.

    Cosmetic changes to character would be fine with me. Hair, body, gender. But NOT race & class.
  • Nephys
    What? No! Play the game, what is the point in a game that is pay to win? Its bad enough that I cant buy a unique mount with gold(that isnt a horse).

    I say make it subscription and remove the crown store crap.

    The point is that from a business standpoint making it to where the crown store has unique items only available in the crown store is good for business more ppl would spend there money on these items and that would generate more revenue so things could get accomplished faster the community ask for

    This actually could work make it a no free option and only subscription available to play and everything that would have been put in the crowns store u could get in the normal world cause you have a subscription hmm yes this is a good idea it would force ppl to have to spend money this idea ftw also lol

    Well of course - the subscription model worked so famously for them the first time around...

    And @dabulls7491 - you cannot buy a unique mount for either love nor money - or gold.

    @BloodWolfe - Subscription would only be cheaper if there was anything in the store actually worth having, and seeing as there isn't, free is clearly 'cheaper'.
    ZoS Ambassadors please do not bother responding to me because I have you on ignore. Your input is neither valued or welcomed.
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