"Long is the arm of Boethiah, and swift is the blade.
Deep is the cut, and subtle is the poison.
Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is short.
Worship, O faithful. Pray your death is quiet.
Worship, O faithful. Worship the glory that is Boethiah."
When can zos do ps4 to.xbox transfers? Sick of playing on a backwater service.
Oh now that would be awesome if a great gaming company like ZOS could have their own consoles for us to play on, not saying they'd be perfect but I'm sure they'd be much more reliable than Sony...
--ϟ-- Crows_Descend - Templar - Ebonheart Pact [PS4]&[PC] [EU] --ϟ-- YoutTube ESO PlaylistThe greatestprison that people live in, is the fear of what other people think. - David Icke Be your true, authentic self.
Nope, apparently it's been having issues since around 16:12 GMT, and most of us got kicked off ESO at around.. 18:00? so I'm sitting here wondering how long do we have to wait - because last Friday, I couldn't get back on from 9pm til 4am... typical PSN.
Some people actually survived the maintenance, even those who bought ESO digitally. I, myself also bought it digitally and it gave me a 15 minutes warning message that it'll kick me off, which it did, but left a few people online in peace.
--ϟ-- Crows_Descend - Templar - Ebonheart Pact [PS4]&[PC] [EU] --ϟ-- YoutTube ESO PlaylistThe greatestprison that people live in, is the fear of what other people think. - David Icke Be your true, authentic self.