I picked up a horse from the crown store and I noticed I can't feed it and I'm not sure how to use it's inventory? Or do we just not have these options.
there is no option to feed the horse I got with crowns...I see where I can buy different horse with gold, but below that no options to feed the horse. I have 2 points on capacity, and 2 on stamina...still no option to feed. I also can't find how to use the horse for inventory, or can't you? Thanks again.
Go to the Stablemaster. It'll bring you to a page where you can purchase other horses. From there, tab over (hit R1 I think, for PS4) to the next page, where it will allow you to purchase riding training for 250 gold every 20 hours. You can choose to level up Capacity, Stamina, or Speed. You don't actually "feed" the horse anymore; I believe that was changed a while ago on PC and was never like that on consoles. Also, you don't actually use the horse for inventory space; when you go to the Stablemaster, go to the Riding Training page, and purchase a Capacity upgrade, it increases the size of your player inventory by 1 per upgrade. For example, if you have 80 inventory spaces in your player inventory and you purchase a Capacity upgrade, you'll then have 81 spaces in your inventory.
By the way, Riding Training applies to all of your Mounts per character. So if you buy an upgrade with one mount equipped, your other mounts still benefit from that upgrade (on that character anyway).