Dear ESO:TU console lovers,
Via this thread i'd like to invite all that play and love this game to our guild, Deadric Gore EU Server.
Daedric Gore is a guild started by real life friends, a long lasting group of Xbox Gamers who have come over to Tamriel to enjoy the journey, but not just with our select group, we want to enjoy it with as many as possible.
As you might know there are certain benefits of being in a large Guild,
- You have the Guild Store, where you can sell your wares to all other Guild members, but also to everyone on the server via the Guild Trader.
- There is the social aspect, of asking for help in the Guild voice Chat, be it with a quest, a world boss, dungeons or PvP. And in end game the Trials (raids) and veteran dungeons.
- And of course an awesome looking Heraldry

At the moment of writing, Daedric gore has
110 members, we have a lively Guild Store, and we have a Guild Trader so our wares can be sold to non members, we have a Guild Heraldry in the Daedric style, which you can wear as an appearance over your armor.
We also like to compete in PvP, and try to claim keeps in the name of the Guild to have our wares available in Cyrodiil as well. last night we claimed Kingscrest Keep, lots of Fun!
We recently launched our Guild Site:
daedricgore on Shivtr
from where we host events, our first event is a weekly recuring one, Monday nights, Dungeon nights, where we try to run as many dungeons on a Monday, with as many groups as possible! But all of our members are free to start their own events on the guild site.
If you enjoy the game and are looking for a fun group of players, send me a message on
Xbox Live GT: Duro NL, or reply on the post with your gamertag and i'll send you an invite. You can also apply for membership on our guild site.You can start selling your wares on our Guild store immediately. and you can enter one of our Guild voice chat groups to socialize and team up with other members.
Hope to see you all in Tamriel, save journey,
Duro NL
Daedric GoreEDIT July 15: Currently at 145 members, and again we secured a Guild Trader for this week!EDIT July 23: Currently at 172 members, Guild trader is still up for the week! EDIT August 10: Currently at 204 members, Guild trader Koeglin
Founder of Daedric Gore, Join us and 140+ members for Chaos! And Xbox an Ambassador