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My character is a mess....I need help!!!

Alright so here is how I'm laid out

Imperial Templar

Current level- 37

Attribute Points:
Magicka- 17
Health- 8
Stamina- 11

Boon: The Mage
Stage 4 Vampirism


Weapons- Dual Wield

Ability 1- Puncturing Sweep(Aedric Spear)
Ability 2- Invigorating Drain(Vampire)
Ability 3- Blood Craze(Dual Wield)
Ability 4- Healing Ritual(Restoring Light)
Ability 5- Reflective Light(Dawn's Wrath)
Ultimate- Solar Disturbance(Dawn's Wrath)

I wear heavy armor and I have put into it:
(3/3) Resolve
(2/2) Constitution
(2/2) Juggernaut
(1/2) Rapid Mending

Vampirism lvl 6:
(2/2) Supernatural Recovery
Blood Ritual

Imperial Skills:
Shield Affinity
(3/3) Tough
(2/3) Conditioning
(2/3) Red Diamond

Do you guys and gals have any recommendations to make my character better, should I move stuff around and what should I be spending my skill points on?
I wanna clean it up and know what I'm doing so any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

Edited by OakRaiders228 on July 6, 2015 7:29PM
  • MissBizz
    What role are you looking to fulfill? If you are looking to be a healer, you may want to put more points into magicka and none into stamina. As well, dividing up your stats like that makes for poorer DPS (as skill damage scales off the max stat - aka an ability that costs magicka will scale from your max magicka) I'm no crazy min/maxer, but those are some little tidbits that may help out.

    [EDIT] I can't really put input on if you want to be a tank, as I'm working on that myself.. but there's a thread where others have commented on Templar tanks.
    As well, how is it that you feel you are falling short? Are you have resource management issues? If so, with what resource?
    Edited by MissBizz on July 6, 2015 7:37PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Nestor
    You need to figure out if you want to be Magic or Stamina Focused and go all in on that Attribute, Attribute Points, Glyphs, Gear and Skill Morphs.

    Right now your trying to build a hybrid, which means your weak in 3 areas, instead of strong in one. You will really see the difference in combat having a focused resource pool to scale your attacks from.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • OakRaiders228
    MissBizz wrote: »
    What role are you looking to fulfill? If you are looking to be a healer, you may want to put more points into magicka and none into stamina. As well, dividing up your stats like that makes for poorer DPS (as skill damage scales off the max stat - aka an ability that costs magicka will scale from your max magicka) I'm no crazy min/maxer, but those are some little tidbits that may help out.

    I'm just playing the game with friends, not looking to become a healer I like to fight haha. I know people will tell me to pick Magicka or Stamina and I know my character will be weaker if I keep up my pace of spreading my points out weird, that's why I'm just looking to get some guidance on what's good to use
  • OakRaiders228
    Nestor wrote: »
    You need to figure out if you want to be Magic or Stamina Focused and go all in on that Attribute, Attribute Points, Glyphs, Gear and Skill Morphs.

    Right now your trying to build a hybrid, which means your weak in 3 areas, instead of strong in one. You will really see the difference in combat having a focused resource pool to scale your attacks from.

    What would you recommend I go with then?

    I mean based off my skill bar I only have one stamina based attack so I guess it wouldn't kill me to go all Magicka, so what would be an effective build like that? What abilities should I use?
  • OakRaiders228
    Should I also switch to using a type of staff then as well if I'm gonna go all Magicka? And should I change my armor?

    Do I go all Magicka as well with attribute points or out some into Heath as well
  • kylerjalen
    You don't want to be a healer? Wow. As a templar you have the potential to be the best healer.
    What others have already said pretty much applies.
    So you want to DPS straight up? You also want to focus on magicka? Thats perfect then. Imperials are probably the best all around race in terms of versatility. You can divide your attributes equally between magicka and health. I typically put all of it in health and make up for the rest in enchantments but there are other ways of doing it better. Maybe @likewow777 can get in on this. He knows Templars.
    Vampire? Hm. Its tempting but unless you're a Dark Elf I would drop it. My templar right now is a vampire and I plan to cure it. Believe me when I say at endgame, unless you are an extremely skilled player you will find yourself burned often.

    RE: Armor choice. Since you are not at V level yet I would suggest you wear all three types to level all three up. To be honest, playing through my alts through the main quest, I have found that the game always provides what you need at the appropriate level. I never crafted or bought anything prior to completing the main quest although I did change some enchantments around on some pieces. And yes I did rock a hybrid build even after update 1.6.
    But once I hit Cadwell's Silver and went to the veteran zone, the difficulty ramped up considerably.
    In short, don't worry about your armor yet. By the time you are are Vet level you will have a better understanding of how you want to go with your character. Just remember: heavy armor good for health (tanks) - medium armor good for damage dealing (dps) - light armor = good for casters (healers/dps) as a general rule.

    Oh yeah, if you want to focus on magicka, I suggest you have a destro/resto staff combination. You could be a beast.
  • likewow777
    Hi @kylerjalen !

    WARNING: Long post ahead.

    Specializing is the best way to create a viable character. So to that end, choosing either magicka or stamina is essential. Don't worry about health right now. You're a Templar. You can Breath of Life spam heal through almost anything, Puncturing Sweep heals you just for doing damage, and Repentance gives you free health just for killing. And if you really want HP, just eat some green health food and keep on doing damage.

    Templar stamina builds are quite good. The skills and passives from Aedric Spear work well with that sort of build. If you're going that route, I can give you a sample bar from my 2H stam Temp:

    Bar 1:

    Biting Jabs
    Critical Rush

    U: Flawless Dawnbreaker

    The rotation is quite simple. Buff with Momentum, Critical Rush in, Biting Jabs and Executioner to finish off, Repentance for health/stam regain. Jabs grants 10% weapon critical when you use it, Critical Rush always crits, and Executioner hits hard when enemies hit ~20%. Many times, I'll skip Biting Jabs and just execute.

    For a magicka build, you would change up the skills and probably rely more on Dawn's Wrath. Reflective Light and Dark Flare are decent damage skills that also provide buffs on you and debuffs on the enemy when cast. Reflective grants you 10% spell critical, while Dark Flare buffs your next attack and debuffs the enemy's healing. Then, you could go into a woven Crushing Shock burst on single target, or Impulse for AoE.

    The only problem with Reflective Light is magicka builds tend to use Inner Light, from Mage's Guild, and that also provides the same 10% spell crit, but gives a 5% boost to magicka. And the two don't stack. The disadvantage to Inner Light, though, is in order for it to always stay active, you need to keep it on both bars, effectively locking a skill slot.

    Bar 1:

    Dark Flare
    Inner Light/Reflective Light
    Crushing Shock
    Repentance/Breath of Life/Radiant Oppression (flex spot)

    U: Meteor/Nova

    I'm not a magicka Templar expert, at least not DPS (I have a healer), so the above may or may not be your best bet. One thing I can say, though, is Destruction staff + Crushing Shock is pretty commonplace for damage dealers, regardless of class. Plus, with long-range magicka Templars, Radiant Destruction (Oppression) is usually on a bar, somewhere. It's decent all by itself, but in execute range, enemies tend to melt. Also, Meteor (Shooting Star is better morph, IMHO) is currently the standard ultimate, regardless of role, simply because it hits so hard. And lastly, Nova is used for end game.

    Hope that helps some, and sorry for the wall of text.

    EDIT: I said above about using Dawn's Wrath skills, but you could also wind up in melee range. For that, something like Puncturing Sweep, Blazing Shield, and Impulse on the back bar might work for such situations. Or, you could use the flex spot for it, and if enemies get too close you stab them with your spears. Or, you could forgo Dark Flare and go head-in first with Sweep. The important thing is to try and focus on either magicka or stamina. Then you'll be fine :smile:
    Edited by likewow777 on July 7, 2015 1:51AM
    "War doesn't build character, it reveals it."
  • Surfinginhawaii
    I haven't done trials or DSA but I've created three templars (2 V14s and 1 V1) and I haven't had any problems soloing dolomens, world bosses or public dungeons but of course I also have 329 champion points.

    I use restro and destro staves or sometimes two swords for the increase in spell damage. I like using the following skills on my main skill bar: puncturing sweeps, structured entropy, radiant oppression, breath of life and inner light and my ultimate is shooting star. I use all light armor and I put the majority of my points into magicka and then health about 40/20.

    My character is a Breton Templar. The above works for me but like I stated previously I haven't completed any high level content.
  • djnapstyb14_ESO
    Healer killer build:

    Bar1 Resto: Combat prayer(pve)/purge (pvp) -> breath of life -> entropy -> dark flare --> jesus beam -> shooting star

    Bar2 Resto: healing springs -> breath of life -> blazing shield/light armour shield -> spear shards -> jesus beam

    Heavy chest, medum legs, other 5 pieces light

    20k health, rest mag

    weave heavy attacks for ult and mag regen.
    Edited by djnapstyb14_ESO on July 7, 2015 3:25AM
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    OK let me give you the most fun build I have had in this game yet. Its OP at leveling and with a few minor adjustments, go straight into full healer mode for dungeons.

    5/2 light armor/heavy armor seducer set. If you want to go 5 seducer 5 magnus thats even better. Use the training trait if necessary to boost your light/heavy armor to 50 asap.

    All points into Magicka
    All enchants into magicka

    2H and resto staff

    Resto staff loadout

    Reflective Light
    Dark Flare
    Healing springs
    Purifying Light
    Binding Javalin

    Ult: Solar Disturbance

    2H loadout

    Brawler/Executioner depending on whether you are fighting 1 or multi targets
    Puncturing Sweeps
    Critical Rush
    Breath of Life

    Ult: Crescent Sweep

    You maximize your magicka since that's the only resource you can't regen quickly and if you want to switch to full healer, you're already all set on the gear/stats.

    Here's the rotation

    - Stand as far away from the mobs as possible to maximize critical rush....
    - Start with Resto staff
    - Cast Dark Flare from far away.
    - As soon as dark flare is on the way, shoot a reflective light
    - They both get to the mob about the same time
    - As soon as you reflective light switch to 2h
    - Critical Charge in and do a brawler which puts up a damage shield
    follow that up with a puncturing sweeps and if they arent dead after that...Ultimate Crescent Sweep and another pucturing sweep/Brawler.
    - After everything is dead, cast Repentance to immediately restore all your stam/health
    - Onto the next pull with no down time

    With that rotation, things die so fast and you literally have no down time as repentance restores your weak stamina pool/setup. Your magicka cause its maxed out barely moves...or is regened quickly.

    When fighting bosses, throw a purifying light in there to add to the dps.
    Use breath of life in emergency situations
    For real fun, switch to your staff,,,, javalin the mob while backing up then immediately switch to the 2h and charge in....It seems unfair as it does so much damage while they are CCd.
    Keep Healing springs on the bar so you can constantly be leveling the resto staff tree although you wont use that ability much when you are questing.
    I dont use mage light all that much honestly cause its not really needed and it take up 2 valuable slots.
    I'm kind of a small deal!
    Bro forget about what anyone else has said so far (sorry guys), use this build:

    Crazy strong templar build, requires you to either be imperial or redguard so you're already good there. It's stamina based so you might have to reallocate some attribute points but do it, it is soooo worth it, personally I have so far never even died once using it throughout levels 1-50. On top of that, it is very, very, very easy to use, you just spam bitting jabs and watch as mobs and bosses melt.

    And on the other hand... magicka templars are not that great... like at all... they're just okay. If you want a magicka build then go high elf/dunmer dragonknight, that sort of build is also great at spitting out crazy dps.

    Additionally, while being a vamp has its perks (the +10% magicka and stamina recovery) it also has its downsides, fire damage being everywhere, literally... so at least consider becoming a werewolf as the increase to poison damage only applies to you when you are in werewolf form, whereas vamp fire damage is all the time, and with the werewolf you get +15% stamina recovery, which is incredibly useful for that build.

    P.S. As that build is stamina based, you will need to use at least 5 pieces of medium armor, if not 7, throw in a piece or two of heavy if you want but you wont need it as an imperial with the 12% extra health.
    Edited by GNRNCSBLSS on July 7, 2015 1:12PM
  • Hardicon
    Well since you are imperial then you probably want to go stamina based.

    There are two good builds for stamina Templar. One is Jabsmania and the other is using a 2 hander. 2hander will give you Rally 20 percent more damage, plus survivability because it heals you also. Jabsmania however is more raw power output and you survive through self heals and repentance. I like 2hander myself as it just feels right for a Templar. Put most of your points into Stamina with some health just to help your survivability as your leveling. Once you hit endgame you can move points until you get the proper amount of health, around 20k or so.

    Important skills are Biting Jabs, Repentance, Blazing shield (or whatever the stam morph is for sun shield).

    For two handed combat important skills are cleave(brawler morph for the shield it gives), critical charge, and momentum (rally morph).

    Dual wield, quick cloak or deadly cloak, steel tornado, combine that with biting jabs and you are an aoe monster.

    For magicka good skills are puncturing sweep, only skill you really need while leveling. Dark flare for ranged damage, jesus beam for ranged. But if you are going to go magic you might want to switch to Breton or High elf.
  • OakRaiders228
    OK let me give you the most fun build I have had in this game yet. Its OP at leveling and with a few minor adjustments, go straight into full healer mode for dungeons.

    5/2 light armor/heavy armor seducer set. If you want to go 5 seducer 5 magnus thats even better. Use the training trait if necessary to boost your light/heavy armor to 50 asap.

    All points into Magicka
    All enchants into magicka

    2H and resto staff

    Resto staff loadout

    Reflective Light
    Dark Flare
    Healing springs
    Purifying Light
    Binding Javalin

    Ult: Solar Disturbance

    2H loadout

    Brawler/Executioner depending on whether you are fighting 1 or multi targets
    Puncturing Sweeps
    Critical Rush
    Breath of Life

    Ult: Crescent Sweep

    You maximize your magicka since that's the only resource you can't regen quickly and if you want to switch to full healer, you're already all set on the gear/stats.

    Here's the rotation

    - Stand as far away from the mobs as possible to maximize critical rush....
    - Start with Resto staff
    - Cast Dark Flare from far away.
    - As soon as dark flare is on the way, shoot a reflective light
    - They both get to the mob about the same time
    - As soon as you reflective light switch to 2h
    - Critical Charge in and do a brawler which puts up a damage shield
    follow that up with a puncturing sweeps and if they arent dead after that...Ultimate Crescent Sweep and another pucturing sweep/Brawler.
    - After everything is dead, cast Repentance to immediately restore all your stam/health
    - Onto the next pull with no down time

    With that rotation, things die so fast and you literally have no down time as repentance restores your weak stamina pool/setup. Your magicka cause its maxed out barely moves...or is regened quickly.

    When fighting bosses, throw a purifying light in there to add to the dps.
    Use breath of life in emergency situations
    For real fun, switch to your staff,,,, javalin the mob while backing up then immediately switch to the 2h and charge in....It seems unfair as it does so much damage while they are CCd.
    Keep Healing springs on the bar so you can constantly be leveling the resto staff tree although you wont use that ability much when you are questing.
    I dont use mage light all that much honestly cause its not really needed and it take up 2 valuable slots.

    This sounds very I'm liking the sound of this, it just sucks that I'm an imperial I guess so it messes with my Magicka
  • OakRaiders228
    GNRNCSBLSS wrote: »
    Bro forget about what anyone else has said so far (sorry guys), use this build:

    Crazy strong templar build, requires you to either be imperial or redguard so you're already good there. It's stamina based so you might have to reallocate some attribute points but do it, it is soooo worth it, personally I have so far never even died once using it throughout levels 1-50. On top of that, it is very, very, very easy to use, you just spam bitting jabs and watch as mobs and bosses melt.

    And on the other hand... magicka templars are not that great... like at all... they're just okay. If you want a magicka build then go high elf/dunmer dragonknight, that sort of build is also great at spitting out crazy dps.

    Additionally, while being a vamp has its perks (the +10% magicka and stamina recovery) it also has its downsides, fire damage being everywhere, literally... so at least consider becoming a werewolf as the increase to poison damage only applies to you when you are in werewolf form, whereas vamp fire damage is all the time, and with the werewolf you get +15% stamina recovery, which is incredibly useful for that build.

    P.S. As that build is stamina based, you will need to use at least 5 pieces of medium armor, if not 7, throw in a piece or two of heavy if you want but you wont need it as an imperial with the 12% extra health.

    This sounds sick as well ughhhh lol and I would get the most out of me being an Imperial with the Health and Stamina boost I receive. Would have to figure out if I wanna go Dual Weild and One Handed Or 2 Handed tho as I don't like Bows that much
  • OakRaiders228
    Alright looks like I'm gonna go stamina build! So far on my skill bar I have the following

    Biting Jabs
    Restoring Aura
    Blade Cloak

    What should my last skill be on this line and my ultimate

    My bar 2 I wanna do either 2 handed or 1 hand and shield, do you guys have any suggesting a for a bar set up with that? Thanks!
  • OakRaiders228
    Should I just use my vampire drain as my last skill since it works as a health regain move as well?
  • OakRaiders228
    As of now I'm getting completely worked with this current set up I have listed, I have 30 points into stamina and 7 into health

    I feel like I wrecked way more when I was mixed it makes no sense
  • jaibierwb17_ESO
    You are only level 37. Don't worry so much about using the "best" skills as these are quite likely to be different by the time you get to endgame. What is important is to level everything to at least morph point. Believe me, it is a massive headache to have to level up the skills you want to try out on a new build when you are already v14 (or16). You can always change back to your favourite skills for harder content.
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    Just remember, this game is so easy that you can win by just pressing biting jabs or puncturing sweeps. But just know that spamming 1 button over and over for 50 normal levels and then 14 VR levels will get old very very fast. That's why I suggest using a variety of different abilities.
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • Flameheart
    You are only level 37. Don't worry so much about using the "best" skills as these are quite likely to be different by the time you get to endgame. What is important is to level everything to at least morph point. Believe me, it is a massive headache to have to level up the skills you want to try out on a new build when you are already v14 (or16). You can always change back to your favourite skills for harder content.


    I wouldn't waste a thought at lvl 37 about "improving" my character by choosing the "right" skills, I would be eager to find the best method to train ALL available skills even to morph stage 2 rank 4 (and for some morphs even both options to rank 4) til hitting VR14.

    You play a templar and this is in my eyes the best class to train all available skill lines and all available skills alone by questing/leveling (with exception of Alliance War and Undaunted skill lines maybe).

    All you ever need is a restoration staff + Puncturing Sweep (in combination with one self heal or one shield skill maybe for really hard non dungeon bosses, depends on champion point count). Damage + Self Heal = everything you will ever need.

    Clutter the remaining skill bar slots with whichever skill you want to train, they just have to be on your skill bar to train them. In don't need a destruction staff equipped to train destruction staff skills.

    Wear a mix of heavy, medium and light armor to get all armor skill lines to 50.

    There is nothing more annoying in this game to reach VR14, but having missed a lot of skills and skill lines to achieve the most freedom in changing/finding a role, but standing there with no quests left and the need to grind the morphs the utter hard way....

    I learnt that the hard way with my first character, my NB. While my NB still lacks some skills and morphs and is already on first-names terms with all mobs in my favorite Cyrodiil grinding cave, my templar shines in total perfection.

    Edited by Flameheart on July 9, 2015 6:01AM
    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

    So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.

    Selissi - CP 1k+ Redguard Stamina Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Silmerel - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Templar (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sunja - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Suldreni - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sulhelka - CP 1k+ Altmer Magicka Sorcerer (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)

  • OakRaiders228
    I morphed Restoring Aura to Repentance, do any of the passive abilities from that line actually do anything for Repentance?

    Also don't know if I should go with Whitling Blades or Steel Tornado. While the 11 meters compared to the 5 sounds great with Tornado, Whirling Blades restores 78 stamina every 2 seconds for 10 seconds and is increased by 50% for each enemy hit....I feel like that could really help me

    Andddd thennn I don't know if I should morph Blade Cloak to Quick Cloak or Deadly Cloak. That movement speed increases by 40% for 5 seconds orrrrr a free throw knife that dose 2040 physical damage

    While I'm also talking about dual Weild abilities how are Twin slashes and Flurry should I use either of those over my current two dual Weild abilities?
  • Balisan
    Soul Shriven
    While I'm also talking about dual Weild abilities how are Twin slashes and Flurry should I use either of those over my current two dual Weild abilities?
    Steel Tornado is great for taking out ranged mobs that actually back away from you, while Whirling Blades means you'll not run out of stamina as quickly. I'd say to go with Steel Tornado unless you are finding yourself running out of stamina. However, Piercing Javelin has a very, very worthwhile Stamina morph that you should seriously consider taking in place of this, since you already have Biting Jabs as a spammable AoE ability. Better yet, try both.

    Ditch Blade Cloak for the time being. The ability is utterly worthless until you get to the very, very late game where bosses can use AoE attacks that come close to one-shotting most glass cannons.

    Replace Blade Cloak with Twin Slashes. Flurry puts out more damage than Twin Slashes, but you have to spend time casting it. Biting Jabs is what you should spend time spamming. Twin Slashes does the most damage for casting time and stamina spent, and also has a morph that causes the DoT to heal you for a significant chuck of health. You can often get a target down to ~70% hp, hit them with Blood Fury (Twin Slashes morph), and just move on as if it isn't there; in a few seconds, it won't be, and the damage it will have done will barely cut through all the healing you are getting.

    Edit: Also, since you are a melee character, you should fill that 5th skill slot with some sort of gapcloser. With a 2-handed build, that would be Critical Rush, but your option right now is Focused Charge. Though it is magicka-based, it is good to have a utility-based ability that uses your other resource bar - a "magicka sink," if you will. Using magicka-based utility spells means that you can spam damage-focused abilities from your stamina bar more reliably. You HAVE magicka, and you should use it, just don't rely on it for damage.
    Edited by Balisan on July 11, 2015 5:55AM
    Imperial Nightblade, V5
    Dual Wielding and Archery
    Daggerfall Covenant

    I aim beyond the level of "glass cannon." I aim to be more like a shaped charge made out of some C4 and a wet piece of rice paper.
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