What role are you looking to fulfill? If you are looking to be a healer, you may want to put more points into magicka and none into stamina. As well, dividing up your stats like that makes for poorer DPS (as skill damage scales off the max stat - aka an ability that costs magicka will scale from your max magicka) I'm no crazy min/maxer, but those are some little tidbits that may help out.
You need to figure out if you want to be Magic or Stamina Focused and go all in on that Attribute, Attribute Points, Glyphs, Gear and Skill Morphs.
Right now your trying to build a hybrid, which means your weak in 3 areas, instead of strong in one. You will really see the difference in combat having a focused resource pool to scale your attacks from.
Lord Xanhorn wrote: »OK let me give you the most fun build I have had in this game yet. Its OP at leveling and with a few minor adjustments, go straight into full healer mode for dungeons.
5/2 light armor/heavy armor seducer set. If you want to go 5 seducer 5 magnus thats even better. Use the training trait if necessary to boost your light/heavy armor to 50 asap.
All points into Magicka
All enchants into magicka
2H and resto staff
Resto staff loadout
Reflective Light
Dark Flare
Healing springs
Purifying Light
Binding Javalin
Ult: Solar Disturbance
2H loadout
Brawler/Executioner depending on whether you are fighting 1 or multi targets
Puncturing Sweeps
Critical Rush
Breath of Life
Ult: Crescent Sweep
You maximize your magicka since that's the only resource you can't regen quickly and if you want to switch to full healer, you're already all set on the gear/stats.
Here's the rotation
- Stand as far away from the mobs as possible to maximize critical rush....
- Start with Resto staff
- Cast Dark Flare from far away.
- As soon as dark flare is on the way, shoot a reflective light
- They both get to the mob about the same time
- As soon as you reflective light switch to 2h
- Critical Charge in and do a brawler which puts up a damage shield
follow that up with a puncturing sweeps and if they arent dead after that...Ultimate Crescent Sweep and another pucturing sweep/Brawler.
- After everything is dead, cast Repentance to immediately restore all your stam/health
- Onto the next pull with no down time
With that rotation, things die so fast and you literally have no down time as repentance restores your weak stamina pool/setup. Your magicka cause its maxed out barely moves...or is regened quickly.
When fighting bosses, throw a purifying light in there to add to the dps.
Use breath of life in emergency situations
For real fun, switch to your staff,,,, javalin the mob while backing up then immediately switch to the 2h and charge in....It seems unfair as it does so much damage while they are CCd.
Keep Healing springs on the bar so you can constantly be leveling the resto staff tree although you wont use that ability much when you are questing.
I dont use mage light all that much honestly cause its not really needed and it take up 2 valuable slots.
GNRNCSBLSS wrote: »Bro forget about what anyone else has said so far (sorry guys), use this build:
Crazy strong templar build, requires you to either be imperial or redguard so you're already good there. It's stamina based so you might have to reallocate some attribute points but do it, it is soooo worth it, personally I have so far never even died once using it throughout levels 1-50. On top of that, it is very, very, very easy to use, you just spam bitting jabs and watch as mobs and bosses melt.
And on the other hand... magicka templars are not that great... like at all... they're just okay. If you want a magicka build then go high elf/dunmer dragonknight, that sort of build is also great at spitting out crazy dps.
Additionally, while being a vamp has its perks (the +10% magicka and stamina recovery) it also has its downsides, fire damage being everywhere, literally... so at least consider becoming a werewolf as the increase to poison damage only applies to you when you are in werewolf form, whereas vamp fire damage is all the time, and with the werewolf you get +15% stamina recovery, which is incredibly useful for that build.
P.S. As that build is stamina based, you will need to use at least 5 pieces of medium armor, if not 7, throw in a piece or two of heavy if you want but you wont need it as an imperial with the 12% extra health.
jaibierwb17_ESO wrote: »You are only level 37. Don't worry so much about using the "best" skills as these are quite likely to be different by the time you get to endgame. What is important is to level everything to at least morph point. Believe me, it is a massive headache to have to level up the skills you want to try out on a new build when you are already v14 (or16). You can always change back to your favourite skills for harder content.
Steel Tornado is great for taking out ranged mobs that actually back away from you, while Whirling Blades means you'll not run out of stamina as quickly. I'd say to go with Steel Tornado unless you are finding yourself running out of stamina. However, Piercing Javelin has a very, very worthwhile Stamina morph that you should seriously consider taking in place of this, since you already have Biting Jabs as a spammable AoE ability. Better yet, try both.OakRaiders228 wrote: »While I'm also talking about dual Weild abilities how are Twin slashes and Flurry should I use either of those over my current two dual Weild abilities?