This past week the lag has been worse than usual, simply unbearable! The entire server has crashed three times in one week an my ping has exceeded 4k many times. I have been not able to exit keeps, use abilities, and have been rubberbanding all over Cyrodil. While lag in pvp has always been an issue, I feel that it has been exceptionally bad the last week.
Has ZoS made any kind of statement or acknowledgement on this issue?
I know in the past that they wanted us to spread out over Cyrodil, but when DC is down to the last keep to hold emperorship I expect every single DC there to defend it. i expect to see every single yellow and red there fighting to dethrone. There were some epic battles at ash (all hail the almighty dee-tick) that could have been so much better if there wasn't an instant server wide crash. Battles would have been so much better if not for the massive amounts of siege that was put up and not usable because of lag.
We will not be able to spread out with the way the current system is in place.there have been battles at Ash Mine and Farm with over 100 people, and players will /dance or /sitchair because they know the lag makes them untouchable. I never expect to play a completely lag free Cyrodil, but the last week has been an embarrassment.
Big'Tone-V16 DC Sorc AR31
Sneaky'Tone-V16 DC NB AR22
Holy'Tone-V12 DC Temp
Chunky'Tone-33 DC DK (BWB beast)
Worst NB NA
Roll dodging magicka sorc
"Do you know why they call him Big'Tone?"