1: Cold Harbor Siege. Right now they are broken and do not have an animation, however it still fire's and kill's people. Their is no target UI to indicate if it has been fired and has no way of avoiding it. It is being abused and ruining the Siege aspect of Pvp for me.
2: Werewolf Human Form. They do not take any extra poison or fighter's guild skill damage while in human form. However they still get the combat stamina passive in human form. As a stamina night-blade, is it pretty much pointless to be a vampire unless you are an emperor. There are to many disadvantage's to being a vampire compared to being a Werewolf who stay's in human form. I however still rock vampire, i dig the extra sneak speed and damage mitigation under 50%. (Not even sure if the vampire passive's all work or not though.)
3: Two hand skill rally. With this skill, there is no point to use dual wield. You are gimping yourself since you have no self heal's. Unless you unlock vigor which take's forever (Vigor i know is being reduced to assault level 5 soon, thank god). I think they need to add a burst heal onto hidden blade to make DW viable for stamina nb's, say if you hit someone while stealth-ed with hidden blade you get a burst of health. I think it would work the same way people use rally, since it's usually used after you cloak.
I would like to see more option's for self healing as a dual wielder that don't relie on confirmed kill's. You could just Nerf how rally can be spammed which would help but i'd rather not go that route. Blood Craze isn't enough is all im saying.
4: UI health bar's On. Can you make it so i can disable my own little green health bar while other's are still toggled on? I have 3 giant UI bar's for my own resource's. I don't want to see some tiny green bar in the way of my target reticle when i Zoom out.
5: More controller mapping option's? Can i re-map my sneak with weapon bar switch? Change break-free to L3 R3? Kind of disappointed you can't change really anything.
6: Emote page's? Could you make it so we have more page's when we open are emote's? While holding the right on the D pad, just filter through pages with L1/R1. This way i can have useful call out's for raid's pvp on page one. Then all the dance emote's and etc emote's on other page's.
Could work the same for potion's as well. Potion's on page one and siege weapon's on page 2.
7: Emperor Crown . Emperor's are damn strong. So can we have a big crown on their character's to let everyone know he's around? If they stealth it goes away, that's cool. Just let them have a crown so either team know's to support or get ready to defend against him.
8: Better group crown's while in chat. I've noticed if you have a crown leader who is talking a lot, it is easy to misplace where he is unless you utilize the compass. Can the symbol's for Mic's be placed beside the crown?
Also add in more symbol's to show where your healer's/tank's are. This information would help so much.
9: Buff timer's?. This sort of relate's to mod's that the pc has. It would be nice if we had timer's to show when DoT's are up / any buff's. (Ex:Double take etc)
Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on July 6, 2015 10:37AM