I can understand the frustration, but my experience with the NB is it takes some time to figure out how to use effectively (and I'm still learning). I always feel underpowered compared to others and burn through potions sometimes.
Try to bring along a healer when you do group dungeons. I have had decent success with just myself and a healer.
GrieverXVII wrote: »Hey guys,
Thanks for all the great advice. I know i came here and opened up with mostly complaints and stuff and i was honestly expecting gamefaq style retorics, but I actually got some good responses and i think im going to give the 2h/bow a shot and see how it goes.
Actually, bow has the best mass CC in the game (Bombard morph of arrow spray). Mob groups become a non-issue with this skill, if you combine it with dodging and venom arrow for ranged interrupt.Cherryblossom wrote: »I agree with the people on here suggesting 2h for Rally, since I've started using this on my NB I've died twice in over a month of playing! Although I'm 2H and Dual, so I have Single Target (2H) and AOE (Dual).
I also have Bow maxed out, which TBH I only ever use in PVP now, when I know I'm defending or attacking a Keep for the extra range.
I used to use Bow in PVE but did not find it very effective against Mobs as you don't have a Group Snare at range so you get mobbed very quickly. I did find Magnum shot effective for creating range between my self and an attacker! Problem being sometimes this would put you in a place where you agro'd another group, which results in Cloak run for your life.
GrieverXVII wrote: »I've just reached level 50 as a NB using a Bow and it feels like it's been nothing but an uphill struggle the entire game. My friend started at the same time as me, chose a DK/2H and his results are absolute opposite, he absolutely steamrolls through everything even in the VR's. His tanking, recovery, and damage is enough that he can pretty much solo group dungeons. I can barely stay alive against 4-5 enemies in a group dungeon. it's starting to make me feel extremely turned off of the fact that every dungeon we attempt ends in the same situation, I die in a couple minutes while he solo's the enemies and the boss by himself.
My concern is why does it feel like this game is constantly trying to make me play a different build i don't want too? why won't it let me play the game the way i want and still be viable? why do i have to conform to a meta to actually survive for more than 1 minute?
at this point i feel like the game clearly favors certain builds and really pushes you to conform near end game, it's the most frustrating and degrading feeling when every dungeon we walk into ends in me dying within minutes while he's able to solo a GROUP dungeon. extremely disheartening as I really do enjoy this game, but I also heavily refuse the need to conform to compete...is there no other way???
I can understand the frustration, but my experience with the NB is it takes some time to figure out how to use effectively (and I'm still learning). I always feel underpowered compared to others and burn through potions sometimes.
Try to bring along a healer when you do group dungeons. I have had decent success with just myself and a healer.