Also your ganks will happen half as fast.
in what way, allso im stam basedForestd16b14_ESO wrote: »you're cloaks gonna be the new i win button
chevalierknight wrote: »
Lol its 2am i read it as 2 times faster :] will this mean if i get people low from stealth ill out damage them because there damage is lesser
Not exactly. I also love the solo ganking play-style. But these current proposed changes will NOT be favorable towards it.
I doubt it will be impossible to solo gank, but it will be significantly tougher. Nearly everyone will have access to a heal, be it stam or magicka and with the 50% reduction in damage and healing (30% more then currently) the bust will be much lower. Effectively giving everyone except the low level and less geared people a lot of time to react.This will make timed CC and sustain builds king.
So to summarize, expect to have to adjust your play-style significantly, if not completely.
Only the most skilled PvPers can break cloak in this game man it's extremely difficult. (sarcasm)
A fix for a skill bugged for more than 1 year and ppl QQ... Pathetic.
chevalierknight wrote: »
But with the nerf to heals and tanking wont that mean that all the debuffs rogues have make us the kings of bust as rest of the classes have less debuffs to work with. We do less damage but we lower defences