FriedEggSandwich wrote: »Sorcerers have some class passives that give them an edge in casting imo. Unholy Knowledge reduces the stamina/magicka costs of all abilities, Capacitor to boost your magicka regen, and Expert Mage will boost spell damage by 2% for every sorc skill you slot (max 12%, realistically 10%). This means that sorcerers should be able to attain a higher magicka regen than any other class, and higher spell damage than any other class, especially if you add in the altmer racial passives.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Unfortunately, Sorcerers do not have a spammable class skill for DPS, and must rely on destruction staves for Crushing Shock/Force Pulse for most of their DPS until it is a viable point to pop Overload. If we're talking end-game here, in my opinion and in my testing on all Trials and on all Vet dungeon, Sorcerer pulls the least amount of DPS. It's still insanely fun to play, and I do DPS on my Sorc often, but compare her 16k sustain to my DK's 20+k sustain...and, well, there's your answer.
FriedEggSandwich wrote: »
The OP opened with "So I want to hear opinions on what everyone thinks of destruction staff wielding mages by class". The sorcerer passives that I mentioned would indeed help with wielding a destro staff, probably more than any other class.
Edit: Mages wrath is my spammable dps filler in pvp (I don't pve).
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
I see your point, and I'm just putting in my input that while Sorcerer does arguably benefit the most from destruction staff, it is probably the weakest of all of them in terms of damage that it can do total with a Destro staff equipped. I'm not sure if the OP is going to be more focused on PvE or PvP, but if it's PvE, then, yes, Sorc is always a valid choice for Destro staff, but I do honestly think DK will always be better. As for PvP, well, Sorc is definitely the strongest as a caster.
While Mage's Wrath is spammable, it's not viable for PvE as a spammable filler. I'd like some sort of attack that could be used like Molten Whip or Funnel Health that would allow Sorcs to break from the Crushing Shock/Force pulse meta ):
FriedEggSandwich wrote: »
Agreed. I don't pve cos nobody wants my 13k dps, and on the rare occasion I do a pledge I will equip crushing shock as my filler. You're right that dks are the best end game pve casters, they have all the dots. DKs are much better at sustain but suck at burst. For pve you need sustain. My sorc walks all over DKs in pvp land though.
WyldfireWyrm wrote: »I'm definitely more PVE focused. I like PVP when I can use the catapult, but when it comes down to face-to-face combat, I'm sub par. I joined a bunch of people doing PVP a few months ago while I was on my fire mage DK and it was really the first time I'd ever PVPed. We were suppose to be a ganking group that was ambushing smaller numbers of people between keeps, but we ended up as part of a large attack force. I died a lot and was very frustrated with the experience because of all the travelling back and forth through long load screens and short lived bursts of combat before I would die again. I was wearing 5 light armor, which probably attributed to most of my deaths unfortunately. I ended up getting so irrationally frustrated that I deleted my DK fire mage because I want a character that can do both PVP and PVE well.
I keep hearing people say that fire mage DKs do well in PVP. Can anyone link a build or explain how they make it successful?
It's very depressing. I deal 6-9 DPS, while other classes deal 16k or so.
And I don't even know, what I'm doing wrong. I have spell damage everywhere and on the paper, I should be dealing 16k or more. But this is not the case in reality (don't know what's wrong)
I must put so much efforts in dealing damage and need to use several abilities, while other classes simply spam 1 ability to deal high damage.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Are you using Overload at all? Overload is really good for the last 40% of a boss fight (:
I can pull 14-16k on my Sorc, sustained.
BurtFreeman wrote: »