Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [IN PROGRESS] NA megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 11:00AM EST (16:00 UTC)
· [IN PROGRESS] EU megaservers for maintenance – March 5, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 16:00 UTC (11:00AM EST)
· ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)


Edited by ChillTick on September 2, 2020 12:14PM
  • Rampage1872
    Soul Shriven
    hey, my Gamertag is Rampage Mortlok. I'm mortal currently and looking to be bitten.

  • Octawism
    Soul Shriven
    My GT is Octawism, currently mortal and wants in on the idea of spreading Vampirism.
    Looking forward to an invite

    - Octawism
  • jackle686
    My gt: HypedShotex v3
  • jackle686
    Not a vampire yet
  • a_hero
    hey can I get an invite GT: J0ECL4RK (zero after the J)
    cheers man
  • Zyricks
    My gamertag is: Zyricks
    Please make me a vampire (:
    JOIN the Brothers of Tamriel
    Leader and Founder of Brothers of Tamriel
    Wood Elf Night Blade
    World of Warcraft Veteran PvP/PvE
  • Dr34dly
    Do you already have a vamp on AD ?
  • CrazyChrisPG

    nice writing and cool idea BUT I really would recommend that you should just look for player who are already vamps ... otherwise you will end up with less than 10 vamps bot 100 *** who want to get a bite for free. After they got it they are leaving ...

    We faced the same problems on PC last year and its a pity!
    Just my thoughts.

  • Skittles2679
    Soul Shriven
    My gamer tag is Skittles2679,
    I'm in the aldermen dominion and am looking to become a vampire.
    All of my friends want to become werewolves so I will gladly stay and bite anyone else that needs it after I'm turned. Becoming a vampire is ridiculously hard and I would love to help others avoid the struggle
  • atrrevan
    Soul Shriven
    Atr revanator

    I want to join, im a mortal wanting to be a vampire.
  • GespenstRaccoon
    GT GespenstRaccoon Aldmeri Dominion looking for a Vampire Bite. Please message me if you can bite me. Thanks
  • DynamicViper123
    Im a mortal but willing to join and become a vampire
    Im on AD and my xbox gt is DynamicViper123

    Thx, pls msg if I can join
  • Floki_Vilgerdarson
    Sign me up please.

    I need a bite and am ready to negotiate. Nothing is free in life.


  • AriothCalbur
    Looking to join. Need to be bitten.
    PSN Name: Jay-Jay127
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Server: NA
  • Hallda12
    Hi, Im looking for a good social guild and also to be turned into a vampire.

    Please add me as a friend and invite me to the guild when I'm next online :)

    GT: cursed fatality

    EU Server.
  • ivshadows
    Hi can I have an invite my gamertag is iv SHADOWSZZ zz
    I have a small coven. But since we can join 5 guilds i am looking for other covens to be apart of.
    GT is Kazekage Tofu
    Ebonheart Pact
    Vet Rank 2 (almost 3)
    Vampire Rank 10 Master Vampire5af00722-eb5a-4dcd-8dfb-7ef2f165ae75_zpshegbf0oh.png
  • blueilew

    Looking to join.

    Gamer tags AzureFlamezz

    Thanks :smile:
  • Victor_Vykos
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Victor Vykos
    NA server
    Ebonheart Pact

    Need bite, will help guild
  • blueilew
    Sorry that AzureFlamezzz I'm already a vamp. Able to give bites :smile:

    Ebonheart EU server
  • DodgyTactic
  • Lêêders
    Soul Shriven
    Aldmeri Dominion
    I'm mortal and want to become a vampire :)
    Edited by Lêêders on July 12, 2015 11:05AM
  • lukejames96
    Soul Shriven
    Aldmeri dominion
    Really want a vampire bite, will donate to guild and help with biting others when I reach level 6.
    Gamer tag: lukejames96
  • JSheward
    Soul Shriven
    Mortal looking to join Vampire guild and get bitten.

    GT: Mystical Writ

  • Seipher
    Mortal looking for vampire bite and guild. Daggerfall covenant gt: Seipher X
  • DarkRevanent
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, my GT is DarkRevanent and I'm a mortal in the Daggerfall Covenant. I like the idea of free bites for all and can't wait to bite random players that have been scammed. Hope I hear from you soon.
  • WaterLawyer
    Soul Shriven
    Hello i'm very interested in becoming a member, Free bites is always good ( i'm Werewolf atm but would be willing to bite others for free and drop it if necessary ) also my Werewolf biter is AD.

    Add me in game! :)

    GT: WaterLawyer

    Hope to see you guys soon.
  • SirNoodles309
    Hi im interested in joining your guild for vampires. My gamertag is XcombatgnomeX im a very active player currently mortal looking to be bitten and join in with some new like minded gamers. Many thanks :)
  • ChaosReaper996
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there,

    I've currently been walking around, thinking, this life thing, whilst being great and all it seems there are much more benefits of being the living dead. I mean, what really happens in the day anyway? Sure there's the downside of the whole being much more susceptible to fire, I'll just be sure to carry a bucket of water around should I decided to spontaneously combust, oh and to steer clear of any romantic candle lit dinners.

    It seems I've been having a bit of trouble finding anyone willing to do the act with me though, perhaps I've been going about it all the wrong way? Disclosing my willingness to be sucked on probably wasn't the best thing to be saying to strangers I've met online, especially after that talk I was given. I was offered one last night in trade for a carrot, but alas I'm not a fan of vegetables so was left wanting.

    So if you could hit me up with an invite and a bite it would be swell! I have plenty of other people who would be interested amongst my friends on the game so would come with another 4 or 5 people.

    Gamertag is Chaos ReapeR, generally on most evenings (UK time) and am a mortal looking for a bite. I'm currently residing in the Aldmeri Dominion which I note isn't an issue to you, it's good that you're a multicultural society, not a fan of Pactism.

    Cheers guys :smile:
  • simdez
    Hi I would love an invite. Gamer tag : TOO GIRTHY
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