I am a fan of sword and board, even that phase "sword and board" is reminiscent the iconic warrior marching into battle. Elder Scrolls Online is the first game where I feel comfortable playing a Sword and Board character. I thoroughly enjoy the unique hybrid style of a medium armor DPS 1h and Shield build on both my VR14 Templar and VR12 nightblade (Soon to be a healer and VR14 NB respectively).
However, the new nerf in the up and coming patch will severely weaken Shield hybrid users (and tanks) in PvP. I understand that in PvE, content was extensively tested to make sure that tanks could complete it, but was it tested in PvP?! I also understand that DK's are incredibly powerful with 1h and Shield with the ability to infinitely block. I myself have come across such builds and it is frustrating to face off against them. Thus, I fully accept the other side's point of view in that these builds should be discouraged as much as Sorc shield spam should be discourage in the form of nerfs.
But the crux of what I am saying and what I am offering is this --- The 100% reduction in Stamina Regen is too much, therefore I propose that we Sword and Board users only regenerate stamina at 25% or possibly 50% of what you normally would while blocking. ---
As any stamina user knows in PvP, running out of Stamina is a very good way to lose a battle. But as any Nightblade or stealthed Archer in PvP knows, the best time to strike is when they have their shield down. You have the PvP meta-game where you HAVE to block when a nightblade goes into stealth, because of the incoming concealed weapon or surprise attack, and if you can successfully deny that first crucial attack from said ability or an Archer Lethal arrow strike, then you've rendered their 'initial' advantage useless, leveling the playing field for you.
I verily understand burst is being reduced, but that still does not justify giving free openers to NB and Lethal Arrow Builds in the middle of the battlefield because you're at 25% stamina after sprinting, running, rolling or blocking and they are sitting in stealth, regenerating their resources. It's a downhill battle with no end in sight. You can't just say "use potions to recover stamina" because in the long run, you will lose because you chose to enter the PvP Battleground with a shield.
There will come a time, when; after your potion runs out, after they have recovered their stamina, after your blocking becomes useless when you run out of stamina, that you will every battle.
The reason I would like to see it to at 75% is so that it is somewhat balanced around the PvP stealth meta - in that you have reduced (but not a useless regeneration stat for Shield users) for blocking their initial attack and they have to use resources to get into stealth or use a stealth pot. The same could be said for standing in front of your ally archer, while blocking, so you can absorb their blows while they safely DPS. Or when you're on a Battering Ram, and holding block.
Will infinite block builds be able to exist at 50% reduced regen?
Let's say worst case scenario occurs and you can still infinitely block with a 50% nerf to regen rates. You would have to create a Medium armor user: bosmer, night blade, with full regen gear, regen pots and mundus stone in order to have this effect. (But I suspect, with the incoming 1v1 damage that will also drain your stam, this still would not be possible). Not to mention you will be low on max Stamina (And weapon damage stat) to win the battle in addition to missing out in the future 20% increased weapon damage from the DW and 2h specs.
Best case scenario, it will no longer be possible to infinitely block 1v1 and you have created a nice trade off between defense and offense. In addition to me being a very happy Hybrid user.

A random, last minute suggestion to my post - how about adding on a stamina regen rate increase for medium armor users when using a shield and sword? :P
Thanks for taking the time to read my post.