Sorry, but I have to disagree. I understand why you and many others are outraged but they added 2 more V ranks to make you grind more to get new gear and legendary it. They are scared that grinders and rushers will get the best stuff they can and see no point in playing so they add more content, because their 'Having this will make me feel like I'm the best' mentality makes them play to get Legendary everything even if they don't want to play.
Ok, so I'm sure all of you have heard about the update of them adding 2 new Veteran Ranks. The Major problem I have with this isn;t the grinding, it's the fact that like a few weeks ago I finally upgraded my Stamina Nightblade gear to Legendary...
So... I just wasted what? 40 Dreugh Wax?!? 16 Temering Alloy!?! And 11 Kuta !?!
Give me a break. Would it be at all possible to get refunds over this kind of stuff. The point of having a MAX LEVEL is so you can use all the Best items and materials you have to become as good as you can get. And Now Me, and pretty much everyone else have just been completely screwed over...
My suggestion for this would be to give FULL REFUNDS on ALL current gear via Deconstruction. So if you do Deconstruct your Legendary Gear you will get back all the legendary mats you used to make it. But only on already existing gear so people can't abuse the system.
What do people think about this?
the difference is youre on pc and have had months to prepare for this being at vr14 for that long console gamers dont have that luxury. you would be disagreeing too if you had just spent 100k on legendary materials
@ebethke_ESO The point is up to VR 14 I haven't used ANY of my legendary crafting Materials because I have been saving them for my perfect gear. I finally get to VR 14 and craft the gear and upgrade it the a month later they completely screw me over by saying "Well, yeah, you used those Lehendary crafting Materials but now your 'Yellow' gear will be equally as good as People's crafted VR 16 'Green' Gear.
There may not be a huge difference but there is A difference that makes it so people with the same gear as me but VR 16 and not legendary will still be better than my VR 14 Legendary gear.