"From the ashlands of Resdayn, we strive to conquer what will inevitably be ours! All of our bridges have been set aflame, by our oppressors or even by ourselves. We are The Bridgeburners!"
This guild's objective is to, of course, burn the enemies' bridges. How do we do that, you ask? By specializing in taking Aldemeri and Dagger resources! This guild will be a compact force that will not only capture key resources of enemy bases, but also endeavor to defend them. If all resources are taken, and the enemy is sequestered in their fort, we will join the main effort as a cohesive force and drive them out!
Of course, PvP is not our only objective. We are currently working on having at least one dedicated player per craft. Also, all unneeded crafting supplies and deconstructable items will be deposited in the guild bank by all players.
Once we have more members, we will have many PvP events in which we all get together and burn those bridges!
Our current PvP server is Blackwater Blade, but as more players join and reach higher levels, we will delve into a veteran server.
Currently, we are but a small band of friends, but I hope to add many recruits to the roster!
If you are interested in joining our guild, please contact me, PSN: Swordsong90, or my second-in-command PSN: Slamdranagen via in-game mail. Please include a brief description of your character and why you would like to join The Bridgeburners.
Thank you!
And in the immortal words of Sgt. Whiskeyjack, "We clean up the mess, not our squad."