PS4 Loot Interaction

For the love of God please turn off loot interactions during combat I can't count how many times I've been mid battle trying to dodge or just move out of the way and the damn loot thing pops up just please turn it off during combat thank you
  • Kobaal
    LOL. That's even funnier than the PC version where you kill a mob and try to loot and accidentally drop your ultimate because its the same button.
    Kobaal - VR16 Dragon Knight - PC [NA] Azura Star
    Kobaal Shadowborn - VR16 NightBlade - PC [NA] Azura Star
    Kobaal Stormborn- VR3 Sorcerer - PC [NA] Azura Star
    Fat Old Templar - lvl 19 Templar - PC [NA] BwB
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