First and foremost this discussion is not about the performance of the sorc class because its quite good dps if u agree to be a c-frag dispenser and if u like that good for u but i do not think that everyone does. sorcs essentially have two viable builds magicka being a c-frag dispenser and shield stacking glass canon build and stamina using mostly weapon abilities. Now why is it in a game that prides itself on play how u want u cant play how u want. U cant be an efficient melee magicka sorc and really cant be a great melee stamina sorc when every other class can fill these roles and be a caster. Every time this topic comes up, people think its ridiculous that a person with a class name sorcerer wants to be melee. But people do not think it is stupid when a templar wants to be a ranged caster! I mean they are templars not ranged casters when u think templar u think paladin. But when i think of a sorcerer and i know i'm the minority here but i don't just think of ranged magic damage i think alteration, illusion, conjuration like how u could be an efficient battle mage in skyrim and u could imbue your weapons with special powers to make them stronger. And stronger does not just have to be more dmg, it could mean attack speed or even lowering your opponents defenses.
Now to my main problem whenever this topic comes up anywhere else, people say "well if u pick sorc than u should expect to be a ranged caster." If i wanted to pick a class and play the way im told id play WOW. And also take dragonknight for example. well when i hear dragon knight i think of heavy armor and 2h or s&b. But wait, dks can be strong and efficient magicka casters and melee. But their DragonKnights? How does that make any sense they have Knight in the name they should not be able to be casters! See my point! Its ridiculous that the sorc class is the only class judged FOR ITS NAME! sorcerers and mages are two different things imo. It goes completely against what this game is based on, play how u want!
In closing, this discussion is not about sorcerers DPS although their dps is very rng based (but thats a topic for another time. I just do not think it is fair that ZOS and the whole eso community can say that the sorcerers have to be ranged caster because of their NAME, even though the other classes can also be ranged casters and much more. Either make all the classes be able to fill the roles or make every class fill one role because that Sorcerers are gimmicked this way. your move ZOS