Last night I swore I heard people harvesting Runes...but I was alone, and not near anyone.
ZOS_BillMueller wrote: »Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you know we are looking into all of these. Just a few points
1) A few of us were just on the NA server, and we confirmed that the rune harvest sound is fixed. You said you heard this yesterday, was this before the patch went live? It also should not be a phasing issue. The sound that triggers is triggered like any other sound, so if that were the case lots of other sounds would be heard. But we will look into that as well.
2) We did not get our audio to sound "muffled" but this is not the first time we heard this so we are trying to gather data so we can repro better in house. As my original reply stated, any info you can give us will go a long way into tracking this down.
- Does all audio sound like this from the login screen onward? In other words does it always sound muffled or does it get muffled as you play?
- Does changing zones cause or stop this? So if you hit a loading screen do things go back to normal?
- Does dying / reviving cause or stop this? Did you notice the issue after you died?
- Can you capture footage of this in action to show us? If you can capture video of this and post it, it will help us determine what is happening
- Does toggling audio default settings fix this?
We have some theories, that we were unable to reproduce by ourselves, but as i said any more info can go a long way to helping us find it. Audio can be a different beast when trying to track down issues, sometimes audio "breaking" is a side effect of some other system failing, so the more info the easier it is to track it down.
Thanks guys, we really appreciate the help!
Since the last patch, myself and my guildmates have frequently experienced intermittent severe lag spikes, framerate drops to 1, stuttering sound (all three of the previous generally happening simultaneously), and intermittent infinite loading screens on traveling to wayshrines.
Do these patches get tested at all? Your audio "fixes" seem to have royally jacked things up.
Gandrhulf_Harbard wrote: »
That's why they patched it.
Zenimax: Where "Being Different" means "Being Broken"
All The Best
After repairing the gamefiles i think the sound is less muffled now
Also i think yesterday there was lag in pvp and that caused me not being able the crushing shock
Today it was fine when i went to test it in cragorn, i wad soloing some mobs and the heavy attack / crushing shock combo sounded normal
In pvp it is different though
1. You added a second sound to rapid regen, i can hear a distracting much louder metallic sound that was not there before and is not pleasant at all
2. The sounds of other people shooting bows was not there before, now it is overwhelming when running in big groups
Where before when i heard a bow / arrow sound i meant someone got hit or i got hit, now that situational awareness is gone
I would really like to have the option to toggle the sounds of the abilities of other people in pvp off, or less loud at least. It does not make it a better game for me , i loved it how it was
That and to prioritize the sound of my own abilities over the sounds of my allies around me when the server is lagging
Imagine playing a shooter and not hearing the gun fire, it takes away a whole dimension of the game. I never even realised how important the sound is in pvp
ZOS_BillMueller wrote: »But Basically the majority of feedback we were getting from players was that in general, but especially in big combat situations it was hard to hear your own abilities, and when they hit. We cleaned up combat by lowering the sounds of other players combat around you, which made your abilities stand out a bit more.
thanks for all the info dump here!
that said: thisis the first time I hear about a My vs You (MvY) sound system. Could said MvY system be the reason sounds start to lag (are being played with a significant delay) once fights get bigger - as usuall, especially noticable in Cyrodiil?
For example, once fights get a bit larger, it is common for me to see players charging to me, but only hear the "clonk" sound that their crit charge is making upon impact 1 or 2 seconds after the impact happend visually. That problem does not occure when there is not a lot of action around though...
what I'm asking, basically: is it possible the MvY system is getting overwhelmed and deleaying things when too many things are going on at once?