character or @name change

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Since the first day my friends and guild mates have had trouble whispering me and even sending mails sometimes. They receive notification "character doesn't exist" or something similar. I contacted customer support twice. The first time, some months ago, I had the visit of a GM, who tried to solve the problem with me ingame, but since he could whisper me at that moment, the case was closed. Now, recently I send another ticket, but ZoS is too busy to accept all cases and they send me to the forums and FAQ. Seems a special character in my @name and some of my toons names prevents the others to find me. Special character is a " ' " .

So my request is simply to allow me to change my name and finally be able to interact wth my friends and participate in trials and dungeons and such without the mess it actually is. I did nothing wrong at account creation, the game allowed me to use such special characters so my request is legit. I heard other people could change their names so I guess it's possible.

Thanks for understanding.
  • Moonshadow66
    I'm just a normal player, so in this case I personally I cannot help you get your account name renamed, but it's true that the " ' " is the problem there (like some other special characters in names).

    I'm surprised that the support sent you to the forums with this since usually it's THEM who renames account- and character names (I knew someone who only could get it renamed by the support, for the same reason).

    I'm also surprised that we can name our account as we want, but afterwards it turns out that it's completely useless. If we would get notified at account creation already that we cannot use certain characters (which should be listed), then no one would have this problem in the first place.

    Anyways, I hope you can get some help there soon. :)
    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • alkoriak
    In fact I asked for help in another matter too (bug with rings) and the 2 answers were exactly the same, nothing indicating that they even read what I wrote. So somewhere, they decided my case was not important enough :(. Very disappointed because I'm member since first day almost and loyal subscriber but I'm thinking why pay for this kind of service...

    Response By Email (Kenzie) (06/18/2015 03:58 PM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team. In light of the excitement and great demand for ESO TU, we are currently experiencing high contact volume. We encourage you to search our support site at for any in-game topics or issues you may have questions about. There are lots of helpful FAQs and links to our social pages.

    If you are experiencing any in-game UI issues (including NPC, quest problems and missing crowns/entitlements) can be resolved by logging out for five minutes then back in which will load you into a new game instance.

    Additionally, other great resources for in-game mechanics can be found via our forums: and the community wiki

    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team
  • Moonshadow66
    Oh, it seems we had the same person "replying", last thing I got was this:

    "Response By Email (Kenzie) (06/24/2015 02:47 PM)

    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited team. In light of the excitement and great demand for ESO TU, we are currently experiencing high contact volume. We encourage you to search our support site at for any in-game topics or issues you may have questions about. There are lots of helpful FAQs and links to our social pages.

    If you are experiencing any in-game UI issues (including NPC, quest problems and missing crowns/entitlements) can be resolved by logging out for five minutes then back in which will load you into a new game instance.

    Additionally, other great resources for in-game mechanics can be found via our forums:
    There are also many wonderful community wikis:

    Best Regards,
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Team"

    The problem I was contacting the support for was not as urgent as yours, though, but either way, I don't call this a "support" anymore, really.
    I unsubscribed already after 300 days subscription due to another one of these support issues.

    Venus Ocean - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Gixia - Breton Sorceress VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Frances Demnevanni - Breton Dragonknight VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Raygee - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero
    Lady Olivieri - Breton Nightblade VR16, EP, Tamriel Hero | Donna Demnevanni - Breton Templar VR16, DC, Tamriel Hero
    Elaine Benes - Breton Templar VR16, EP | Ray McCluck - Breton Sorcerer VR16, EP
    Moonshadow Demnevanni - Dunmer Dragonknight Lvl 50, EP | Jamie Stacey - Redguard Templar Lvl 50, EP
    Caia Cosades - Imperial Nightblade, EP

  • BornDownUnder
    I know how you guys feel, at the beginning of this game the server was rampant with gold sellers spamming repeatedly, so I took the step and created an alternate character so I could not be harassed by those peddling their wares against toc of zos, with an ô in the characters name...

    I have requested a character name change (without success as well) due to the fact that I cannot be whispered or invited to groups by conventional methods unless I give out my account name, in the case of a group invite, where the person inviting to group has to manually invite.

    The same generic email response was provided, only by Chelsea.
  • alkoriak
    It's really simple. Just fix the problem with the special characters or allow a name change. I would like a reaction from ZoS at the least.
  • Whilhelmina
    Same problem here, same request. Fix the problem or forbid the use of special characters in the name and provide a name change.
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Hi folks!

    Unfortunately this isn't something we can assist with on the forums. However, submitting a help request via customer support at https://help.elderscrollsonline will get you in touch with an agent who can assist.

    If you receive a message like the one above, feel free to reply to the email to keep your ticket open and active. This will ensure it gets processed correctly and gets to an agent who can assist you!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • alaiham2002
    This sometimes happens even now but very rarely and it also happens if you are offline.
  • alaiham2002
    This sometimes happens even now but very rarely and it also happens if you are offline.
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