You have to be kidding me..
They set a bugged quest as a requirement for one of the new houses.. Exactly the house I want.. Of course!
This might be the end of years and years of TES/ESO games for me
Arinwyn ~ Cute Wood Elf Archer
Wardena ~ Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
Dry Spell ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Dark Heart of Skyrim 🍺
Bomblebee ~ cya'll out there
Bouncing Betty ~ Front Toward Enemy
Spearpoint ~ Jab Them With The Pointy End
Six Feet Above ~ Reapertime!
Bisolar Disorder - Bright & Moody
Django Unleashed ~ Mr. Nordic Bather's Towel
Master Angler ~ Struggles With Ichthyophobia
Ichthyophobia ~ Secretely Dreams of Becoming a Master Angler
Lol Brb
"Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." — Queen Ayrenn
We have closed this thread as the thread is originally from 2015 and that issue was fixed back then. If you are experiencing issues now feel free to create a new thread as this is likely a new issue.