Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

"Bounty Board"

Hello ESO forum I am not sure if this is the place i should be putting this but I created a player made bounty board, which you can find here at http://ndu.gamerlaunch.com/index.php?gid=480823 its for the NA server of the PC/MAC. The goal for this is to get people to start initiating more role playing through out the server. Basicly on the bounty board you can make your own quest may it be a bounty of a certain player in a certain faction, or there is this dungeon or delve you want cleared you can make a post wanting to hire a body guard or group to take you through it. It can even be something as find a certain book, motif, crafting materials, or have someone make you certain gear, and for each mission the one who posted the mission will give out rewards upon completion of the missions may it be a lump of gold, or a crafted item. The goal is while doing these missions you stay in character, and make some friends while helping you create a better story for your own character.
Now I Know I probably did not make this look like its worth your time but I cannot really convey how this works because to be honest I am still putting it together any help or suggestions about this will be appreciated.
Edited by ZOS_AmeliaR on June 29, 2015 8:58PM
Those who walk in the night beware the shadow's hand
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