Looking for guild

Hello, am deaf and am looking for a guild to play together in dungeons and PVP. There no text chat available on console version so I looking for guild that I can play with people without voice chat and I can talk on PSN message no problem as have keyboard here. Let me know if I can join one of your guild :smile:


PS5 - Spriggan (Wood Elf) Stamina Warden level 50
  • VinnieChenzo86
    Hi pal - you are more than welcome to join my guild. What is ur PSN and i'll send you an invite? :-)
  • markywings
    Hi, add me MarkyWings as am online at moment. Many thanks :smiley:
    PS5 - Spriggan (Wood Elf) Stamina Warden level 50
  • VinnieChenzo86
    Request has been sent mate. Welcome to the Evolution! :-)

    1 thing i have been asking people is how old they are? Just so i know.
  • markywings
    Thank you :smiley: and am 28 years old.
    PS5 - Spriggan (Wood Elf) Stamina Warden level 50
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