Count 1-One Thousand 2 One Thousand for as many seconds as the buff is supposed to last.
Curtischoy wrote: »Yes. But not what you want. You can go into the menu and select character and all of your active effects are at the bottom. (Xbox One, I assume it's similar for PS4) This is hardly viable in combat, which is when you actually need buff timers.
Hopefully they will patch in things like this and damage/heal numbers. As well as numbers for your hp/mana/stamina bar.
A lot of them have obvious effects on your character; i.e. you are made out of lightning or have a yellow glow for healing. IMHO I prefer the more minimal style of not showing all this numeric data in-game during a fight. It is not something Elder Scrolls is known for, and I see no reason to do it just because "every other MMO does this" . I see a lot of (justified) "this isn't Skyrim" comments for some people's requests, but I feel that a "this isn't World of Warcraft" is no less valid. It's less about "immersion" and more about "Elder Scrolls".
I'm fine with training/test modes where you get to really analyze your build, but I hope they never put the option in the normal game. I have no problem with more (and more obvious) in-game effects on players to show when an effect ends. I'd rather be focusing on the battle than on a toolbar. Training/test mode would be where you check if you can stack heals/buffs and other trivia that you only really need to know once (and not in every single battle). You could have stackable effects give a stronger glow or larger aura to indicate this without numbers entirely.
IMHO detailed text descriptions and more obvious visual cues solve most of the problems. A test mode or stat table where your whole loadout is taken into effect would be far more useful than damage/heal/health numbers on bosses/players whose internal stats I don't know.
flexiboolder074 wrote: »hello,
Is there a way to see how long your bufs and debufs last while in combat on ps4 (or xbox)
Count 1-One Thousand 2 One Thousand for as many seconds as the buff is supposed to last.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
Vincent_Storm wrote: »Count 1-One Thousand 2 One Thousand for as many seconds as the buff is supposed to last.
What an incredibly unhelpful response...
As a fellow console player I too would like to know if there is such a way to track buffs and de-buffs or if there is at least anything coming in the future to help with this matter. Would love to know damage numbers as well! ^.^
Vincent_Storm wrote: »
And another unnecessary pop at someone. 'I can manage without them, therefore you suck' I'm sure that wasn't your intended message with that but that's how it came across. I get that you've probably played this game for over a year now but the vast majority of console players haven't (although separate console/PC forums would have negated a lot of these problems)
First off, I like ESO, I'm enjoying the game despite it's niggles, but there are certain things that I just don't understand why we can't toggle on/off or implement.
I'm not asking for spammable damage metres (I hated those in wow) I'm just after a simple way to see how much DPS I'm doing. Are my heavy attacks doing double the damage my light attacks are doing or more? If I use these 2 moves in a row does it do more damage than those two moves? Without floating damage numbers it's impossible to tell as you don't know what damage you're doing and often crits just make that worse.
I'm not going to be an uber end game player I know I'm not good enough for that, BUT I do want to be able to help out the groups I join in dungeons in the best possible fashion, and at the minute this game makes that difficult to do without simple buff timers and floating text.