As it currently "works" Voice Chat does not "work" for organizing Guilds.
In other MMORPGs there is this thing called "Guild Chat Channel" for each guild a players is a member of.
A player can enter this chat and say "Anybody want to do Blah-blah Dungeon?", and get replies from EVERY Guild Member in game at the time.
In ESO, a supposed MMORPG, there is a thing caled "Voice Chat", and a channel for each Guild...however, here is the problem.
The Guild Voice Chat is segmented into many different channels.
Even the tooltip regarding it says; "Guilds get their own Voice Chat Channels. The more members a guild has the more channels it gets.".
So, a Guild Member wanting to do something must enter EVERY INDIVIDUAL CHANNEL and say; "Does anybody want to do Blah-Blah Dungeon?", wait for a reponse, and then go into the next channel.
There is NO WAY to talk to your entire Guild at once.
With my Guild I have tried using the "Member Notes" as a sort of "bulletin board" to advertise what a member is looking to buy, or what dungeon they want to do.
But, even that is limited to 130 letters.
Guilds Need Love!
DISCLAIMER; *Sorry for any typos, but it is 6AM and I have had no coffee yet.
Edited by Ace_of_Destiny on June 29, 2015 10:00AM
~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
I don't care what platform it is MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!