do you go with a more tankish armor setup or something?
do you just not use Class Skills and go more for the Staff Skills?
looking at the DK skills, the class seems interesting, if you want to Tank. But I wouldn't want to tank, I'd want to either be a stealthy melee dps, or a dual-staff (Destro/Resto) type. I'm not sure how DK would work out for me.
do you just not use Class Skills and go more for the Staff Skills?
s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage.
s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage.
how about Stealth Based gameplay?
PhatGrimReaper wrote: »s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage.
how about Stealth Based gameplay?
Stealth??? DKs never hide, nor do we run.... though we do fly from time to time.
PhatGrimReaper wrote: »s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage.
how about Stealth Based gameplay?
Stealth??? DKs never hide, nor do we run.... though we do fly from time to time.
Bah. so you just walk up to the guys door, bash it down, take all his stuff and walk out, eh?
s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage. 1h and shield is pretty natural for a magicka dk but Rest/destro is also great.
wings, crushing shock, fossilize, and molten weeapons are the main tools for offensive play as a Strictly ranged caster. Then you have healing ward obsidian shield and dragons blood as your go too defensive skills.
You will be strapped for escape abilities as a ranged caster so vampire mist form(morphed for speed) is a pretty good option.
Meteor in my opinion is the best ultimate for a strictly ranged caster but things like leap works if your going for some melee capabilities.
Then you have the sword and shield caster which consists of lavawhip, burning talons, flappy wings, invasion(I like the shield bubble morph) and the 5th skill is up in the air and depends on what kind of Pvp you are doing.
Second bar can be resto, s&h or destro. Since dk's have great sustain built into the class you don't have to go resto unless you want the path of least resistance.
Again obsidian shield and dragons blood. I take the added healing morphs for both. Flappy on both bars isn't bad but I make do with just placing it in one bar specially if I'm rocking s&h on both bars. I like putting structured entropy on second bar for bigger heals from dragons blood but not really a must. Again I feel like the rest of the bar is personal preference.
Ulties for melee caster- def recommend bat swarm(either morph) and dragons leap(I like the shield bubble morph)
Just a quick rundown on how I function with my dk.
jackiemanuel wrote: »s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage. 1h and shield is pretty natural for a magicka dk but Rest/destro is also great.
wings, crushing shock, fossilize, and molten weeapons are the main tools for offensive play as a Strictly ranged caster. Then you have healing ward obsidian shield and dragons blood as your go too defensive skills.
You will be strapped for escape abilities as a ranged caster so vampire mist form(morphed for speed) is a pretty good option.
Meteor in my opinion is the best ultimate for a strictly ranged caster but things like leap works if your going for some melee capabilities.
Then you have the sword and shield caster which consists of lavawhip, burning talons, flappy wings, invasion(I like the shield bubble morph) and the 5th skill is up in the air and depends on what kind of Pvp you are doing.
Second bar can be resto, s&h or destro. Since dk's have great sustain built into the class you don't have to go resto unless you want the path of least resistance.
Again obsidian shield and dragons blood. I take the added healing morphs for both. Flappy on both bars isn't bad but I make do with just placing it in one bar specially if I'm rocking s&h on both bars. I like putting structured entropy on second bar for bigger heals from dragons blood but not really a must. Again I feel like the rest of the bar is personal preference.
Ulties for melee caster- def recommend bat swarm(either morph) and dragons leap(I like the shield bubble morph)
Just a quick rundown on how I function with my dk.
What kind of armor are using and how are your attribute points spent?
PhatGrimReaper wrote: »s1gm4xb14_ESO wrote: »I'm speaking solely for pvp
Just gonna say that dk is great in every archetype, to include healer, tank, and both melee and ranged damage.
how about Stealth Based gameplay?
Stealth??? DKs never hide, nor do we run.... though we do fly from time to time.
Bah. so you just walk up to the guys door, bash it down, take all his stuff and walk out, eh?