We need to encourage players to join and participate in Guilds that doesn't include having Guilds turned into mini auction houses.
This 5 Guilds system (AKA Mini Auction Houses) leads Players to join Guilds and interact usually with only one of them, maybe two. This is in part due to so much chat traffic That Players often turn off several Guild Chats to reduce the flood of messages. I know I’m Guilty of doing that.
This is compounded by the many Solo minded players who probably never played a MMO before and need a nudge to get out of their comfort zone. The 5 Guild System Discourages that nudge by treating Guilds Like a Commodity when in fact they should be more like a kinship. Theres needs to be systems that encourage Guild Participation instead of encouraging solo & Disengaging behavior.
Phase out the 5 Guild System. Let Those who are Currently in multiple Guilds remain with them until kicked or quit, but reduce it to 1 Guild per Character like traditional MMO's. We Have Public traders Now, we Don't Need 5 Guilds locked to our accounts For Trade Anymore.
Additional Suggestions for Enhanced Guilds Experience:
Grant Guilds a Specialize option: Let Guilds pick a focus on PVP, PVE, Trade, or New Player.
(Examples only)
- PVP Focus: Members get 20% XP increase within Cyrodiil
- PVE Focus: Members get 10% Damage increase in Non-PVP areas & 10% greater Rare Loot Chance.
- Trade Focus: Members get 20& more gold from Vendor sales
- New Player: Members Gain 30% more Xp up to level 25.
Introduce Guild Zones where a Guilds may purchase land (Instanced with either 1 or more Guilds in the Zone) in a new Zone made just for Guilds. This Zone Could include Several ways to Encourage Guild Membership & Interaction.
- Housing Lots with Guild Hall with Locations pre-marked and Pre-set design(s) for visual appeal. No SWG Drop n Go. Member buys land and selects the type of house or shop they want from a list.
- Player Shops where Visitors Can Buy from That Guilds Wares Though a Random Public access where one Guild per Hour or Whatever interval, is open for Visitors.
- Practice Resources Areas/nodes such as Mines for ore, Wood ect for More Efficient Crafting Leveling (Bind on pick up to prevent sales.
- Arena Where players can Test their Skill against Guild members or Random Monsters and Become Champion of the Arena with Challenges to the Title.
We Need Better Guild Functions:
Provide more options to the Bank. Let the Guild Leader set limits by rank.
- Daily withdraw limits
- Limits by Quality of item: Green, blue ect.
Additionally - Give Guild Leaders an option to Restrict Specific items from withdrawal thus protecting any prizes for Guild Events/Challenges while letting members view it.
- Add Guild Taxing, Either by all income from looted gold or by items Sold in guild store/Trader to fund the Guild Bank. Fixed Rate if necessary to prevent gouging.
- Provide More options to the Guild Gold Fund, Such as Daily Repair Expenses Based on Rank set by Guild Leader IE Recruit Rank is allow 500 Gold in repair cost per day ect..
- Remove Member Tabard cost, it already cost just to make it available. Members are less likely to buy one for 2k especially when theres no preview of it, or if thats to much to ask let the guild leader gift one to members at either the guild banks cost or his/her personal funds. Tabards work great for Guild Recognition, unless no one Has it.
- Add Guild Billboard's: a Listing of Guild with their Guild leader/focus/member level ect for potential new recruits. Players May not Join Right away because of a Billboard, But they Do learn who the Guild Are and may later in Level Join one they now about.
- Add a Guild mentoring system where members who are high level can level down to another members level and aid them in group.( with or without XP)
- Add Guild Recruit options to the Guild Traders With Small info about the Guild.
- Add a Guild Calendar for Events.
Edited by Darastix on June 29, 2015 11:54PM