I've only used the group finder a couple of times, but both times turned out to be less than stellar experiences. I never got to even start the dungeon I was attempting. The problem I had I guess boiled down to long wait times and horrible groups. My question is this:
How long is an average wait time for a dps role for the standard dungeons like fungal grotto? Now I waited about 20-30 mins to actually get put into a group. This just seems ridiculous. I ended up doing some questing while I waited and finally got put into a group right as I was finishing up a quest. At my earliest convenience, I ported over to fungal grotto and didn't see my group anywhere. Here's the part that confuses me. After realizing my group was nowhere to be found, I put in my mic to try to corroborate with everyone. I could speak and the icon that displays when you're talking was working, but I couldn't hear anyone else. Eventually, group members started dropping out left and right and I was left sitting there wondering what happened. It makes me not want to try using group finder again if that's the standard fare that I'll be getting. It was just a horrible experience.