Wetwangbangles [EU Xbox One] looking for casual players to join our ranks.
Faction: Ebonheart Pact
Anyone currently welcome to join our ranks, currently our main focus is levelling, dungeons and LOTS of Cyrodiil PvP action!
Current campaign: Azura Star
We are looking to get more established and start running bigger groups in Cyrodiil, all officers are experienced Veteran level players from PC and looking for like minded fun people to jump in and have a laugh with us, regardless of skill or knowledge level, we are friendly and will help you out
We are not just about PvP however, we be looking to delve into some dungeons and harder content down the line as well
We can also branch into trading and guild bank stuff, once we build up a decent roster.
Currently playing evenings currently 6:30pm - 01:00am (roughly) and a lot during the day on weekends.
Add xRINSERx on Xbox and message me and let's get robbing those scrolls!