Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

I have kept my word

Today, I gave another player a werewolf bite free of charge. As mentioned previously, this was done in response to players who violate the policy that says that buying/selling bites is against the rules. Any player that wants this service, I can offer it again one week from today, around this time. Message me via this forum, or my GT, SnipershotProf. All of my other pertinent information is in an earlier post.

"Those who seek to survive our dark times must sink to the very depths of that darkness. Darkness cannot fight Darkness. Embrace Sithis, Embrace Hircine, embrace the power of Molag Bal, but one of these you must have. May your blade be swift, you arrows true, and your heart as cold as stone."

===WE KNOW===
  • knifeintheribs
    I have kept my word again. I bit another player, who has proven himself to be a good person, and one who cares about the experiences of other players. Please feel free to contact me if joining the pack interests you. Hircine guide you
  • Azurephoenix999
    If you become a werewolf and choose to complete the quest, can you change your mind later and cure it, or are you stuck like that?

    Also about those weaknesses to poison, disease, and all the other disadvantages of being a werewolf. Are those only valid while you're in werewolf form? or would I be stuck with some disadvantages all the time?
    What about fighter's guild abilities? if someone has the passive to make them good against werewolves, do they work even if you're not in werewolf form?

    What I'm asking is if I get bitten and complete the quest to join the pack, could I just NOT slot the transformation ability and simply forget that I am a werewolf?

    Unless you know for certain, please don't answer. I need confirmation on these things before I make my mind up as to whether or not I want this.
    Guildmaster of Spectral Liberty - Xbox One - European Megaserver
  • Zeth163
    my gt is Zeth163 and im interested in getting a werewolf bite if I would be so inclined to ask. im on most nights because I work during the day. would u be able to help me
    Bring fourth the Four Horsemen and let the Apocalypse judge the wicked
  • GreyHound501
    Buying and selling bites is not against the rules what is against the rules through is selling out a bite then taking the money and running without provideing a bite
  • KewaG
    If you become a werewolf and choose to complete the quest, can you change your mind later and cure it, or are you stuck like that?

    Also about those weaknesses to poison, disease, and all the other disadvantages of being a werewolf. Are those only valid while you're in werewolf form? or would I be stuck with some disadvantages all the time?
    What about fighter's guild abilities? if someone has the passive to make them good against werewolves, do they work even if you're not in werewolf form?

    What I'm asking is if I get bitten and complete the quest to join the pack, could I just NOT slot the transformation ability and simply forget that I am a werewolf?

    Unless you know for certain, please don't answer. I need confirmation on these things before I make my mind up as to whether or not I want this.

    I know for certain that you can cure the disease for both wolf/vamp, if you later decide you don't want to be either. As for whether or not the weaknesses transfer to your normal form as a werewolf, I don't think so but I'm not certain. For the cure, you need to find a priest of Arkay and be prepared to pay gold.
    Nerf RNG! Nerf BoP! Buff Everything else!
    She won't leave me because I'm too ugly to kiss goodbye...
    *@KewaG - Steam and ESO. Write ESO Steam player in my comments if you want to be Steam friends.
    * PC/NA Megasever
    * Ebonheart Pact - Mostly
    * ESO is my first MMO
    * I like group dungeons
    * I Haven't played much PvP
    * Main: Golam Ralas
  • knifeintheribs
    In response to the post about the rules, uh, duh? that is what i meant. were you confused and that is why you clarified?
    Please message me directly via my GT about a bite. Thank you
  • TRoclodyte
    Selling bites is not against the rules. Even though I think it is lame, it is not against the rules. Taking someone's gold and giving no bite in return is against the rules. You should report anyone who does that.

    You can cure lycanthropy and vampirism easily at anytime with one easy step: find the priest that will charge you gold for a cure. I can only give the location of the DC one, which is in the Evermore mages' guild. Greedy priest will ask you a few hundred gold or leave you in your state. Stendarr does not approve of this greediness. :'(

    Finally, werewolf weaknesses apply ONLY while in werewolf form. That includes weaknesses to poison and all the fighters' guild abilities. If you don't transform, you have no drawback.
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