During 'The Prismatic Core' I had the objective 'Explore Abagarlas'. I ran to the end of Abagarlas but the quest hasn't updated so I thought maybe I had to kill Queen Palolel so I did but after I killed her the quest still hadn't updated so I ran up the stairs to head back in case I missed something but all of a sudden the quest updated with the new objective 'Kill Queen Palolel' since I had already killed her and she wouldn't respawn I was stuck but I noticed I could now destroy the Mortuum Vivicus. After destroying the Mortuum Vivicus the quest still hadn't updated so I relogged and when I came back the quest had updated to 'Destroy the Mortuum Vivicus'. Once again since I'd already done this I couldnt do it again so I'm stuck... I've tried abandoning the quest and starting again but it doesn't reset my progress so its stuck on the same spot. Any help would be appreciated