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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

console transfers in pvp, good, indifferent, bad? why?

  • Eejit1331
    YES, for what reason
    I didn't even start to pvp on the pc side until I hit max level. There is a non vet campaign.
  • Corrupted_Soul
    NO, not fair.
    Of course it's not fair.

    But in typical fashion ZOS bend to the will of the complaining, self-entitled whiners on PC.
    Corrupted_Soul - V16 DK - PS4 NA
  • Chapmaaaan
    NO, not fair.
    it's not fair for those who are just starting out on the game who reach level 10 and try to play PvP and have no idea how to play their character let alone defend/attack a fort. there is a certain nightblade on EU EP that wrecks 20 low levels with one magicka detonation. it's funny to watch but annoying as he never sticks around to fight 1v1.

    other than that - I think it depends on the skill of the VR14 player. I was killing VR14's at VR5 because they were PvE hero's and had no idea how to play in PvP.
    previous gamertag - DanielChapman89
  • RadicalSpirit
    NO, not fair.
    Yeah, we all know this was a poor move by Zen, and it isn't fair at all, but it ain't like we can do anything about it.

    PC players should have been made to roll new characters, they already had a huge advantage regardless of what happened, but allowing them to transfer their characters was a joke.

    PS4 players currently don't have a hope in hells chance at going for emperor for at least another 2 or more months, and it is beyond annoying when you see a VR14 PC scrub having the easiest time of his life on our servers... Because I know full well, that the guys who transferred were by and large just the average scrub on PC servers, now they're gods over here because of the level & CP.

    As I said, even without the character transfer, they would have had the advantage of a full years knowledge on the game... games like this always come down to a players understanding and experience, that's how you develop the skill, so even when PS4 players catchup and hit VR14, they will more than likely still be getting wrecked, because they have far less knowledge on the game & far less CP.

    It's a shame really, they should never have been allowed this.
  • pwoggy7b14_ESO
    I can understand the frustration some would have in regards to pvp. There's a lot I can say about the acount copies. I was a pc player now ps4. Honestly the least I would have wanted from a transfer would have been my account items. The pets, outfits, mounts, loyalty rewards, able to make an imperial. If that was it and they made me reroll a toon, I would be a little mad about the time spent on the research for my armor but I could have dealt with it. I would still play it.
  • TheBonesXXX
    Indifferent, don't see them enough.
    Picked the middle option,

    I have watched the "best PvPers" in this game in X1 get absolutely massacred by brand new players who had no damn clue what they were doing.

    Obviously the differences in console and PC style had an effect.

    Most of the PC transfers I've met only beat newer guys who did not have the tutelage of another PC transfer, once the new console players got guidance they absolutely beat most of the PC transfers I've seen.

    So I think it's more of a matter of tutelage rather than fairness, either you have a guy who knows whats going on teachin' ya or you don't, I haven't met too many PC transfers who blew my mind.

  • ToRelax
    It may feel unfair for console players, but it's much better ZOS keeps their word imo. CP imbalances are a problem of their own.
    Picked the middle option,

    I have watched the "best PvPers" in this game in X1 get absolutely massacred by brand new players who had no damn clue what they were doing.

    Obviously the differences in console and PC style had an effect.

    Most of the PC transfers I've met only beat newer guys who did not have the tutelage of another PC transfer, once the new console players got guidance they absolutely beat most of the PC transfers I've seen.

    So I think it's more of a matter of tutelage rather than fairness, either you have a guy who knows whats going on teachin' ya or you don't, I haven't met too many PC transfers who blew my mind.

    There aren't that many good players left and only a fraction of those tested the console version, and even of those most seem to find it boring quickly and either create new toons or come back on PC.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Corrupted_Soul
    NO, not fair.
    The console version is and will be much more popular than PC, and even though it's free I'd bet on the Crown Store generating more revenue.

    The console players will soon be the majority then ZOS will cater to them, not PC.
    Corrupted_Soul - V16 DK - PS4 NA
  • CatchMeTrolling
    NO, not fair.
    The problem is facing people that can take on 30+ plus people thanks to having a head start with champion points, then you have alliance members who don't know how to face them and get you all killed. Plus some of the transfers barely take any damage thanks to their op shields
  • tist
    NO, not fair.
    Its ma boy catchmetrolling
  • CatchMeTrolling
    NO, not fair.
    tist wrote: »
    Its ma boy catchmetrolling

    It is I, you and your over shield
  • tist
    NO, not fair.
    tist wrote: »
    Its ma boy catchmetrolling

    It is I, you and your over shield

    <3 Will be looking for you tn
    Picked the middle option,

    I have watched the "best PvPers" in this game in X1 get absolutely massacred by brand new players who had no damn clue what they were doing.

    Obviously the differences in console and PC style had an effect.

    Most of the PC transfers I've met only beat newer guys who did not have the tutelage of another PC transfer, once the new console players got guidance they absolutely beat most of the PC transfers I've seen.

    So I think it's more of a matter of tutelage rather than fairness, either you have a guy who knows whats going on teachin' ya or you don't, I haven't met too many PC transfers who blew my mind.

    i finished top 2% in azuras star this last 30d (not sure if for alliance or overall) i doubt it was overall.
    got a masters sword, masters dagger, and masters ice staff, and two other armor pieces (all gold/legendary) i checked my position a week before it ended and i was #52, i probably ended up closer to 40 or lower.

    i spent maybe 3 hours on pc in cyrodill. started with a fresh char, got to vr10, and did a hell of alot better than i expected, in the grand scheme of things on ps4.

    im a console boy anyways. i guess that helped my reactions and reaction time mechanically. i dont use some bs cookie cutter build at all. in fact, without taking any notes i build it from the ground up. only skill im missing is vigor >;)

    as i got closer to vr 10 i started destroying some vr14 players, like in 3-5 hits. but you can FEEL the difference when fighting a ps4 v14 vs a pc v14.
    ill dump a stealth lethal arrow, a poison arrow for dot, swap to dual wield, pop a blood craze with my added masters dagger 200+ dmg per tick, and then go HAM with rapid strikes and try to get my killers blade or reapers mark in.
    the problem here is even after dumping 5-7 rapid strikes they are still above half health and healing still. thats some donkey poop.

    i get it for a healer, but then i see someone pop my teamies with two or three hits kill them all, and heal me out and pwn me. nooooot cooool.

    vet 14's should be segregated into their own server. if they want to play with their nooby friends they should be able to join the vet 14 serv. as time passes with endgame being v14 people will load those servers up. letting that cp gap, or even knowledge gap happen is a huge oversight
    "Tryn'a be a gentleman of sorts, tryn'a be a better man, of course"

    welshassassin1987 (in regards to console community) : "Except the guy who continued to follow me around making chicken noises till I logged out. Or the one who shouts abuse because you didn't heal him when your not even a healer. Or the one that thinks everyone in Tamriel wants to here Gangsta Rap. I could go on. No doubt there are some decent folk out there, sadly not seeing them around at the moment."
  • Asha_Veor
    YES, for what reason
    There are non vet campaigns, you dont like getting hit by a v14 then go to one of those. And just FYI the first console v14 was acheived in under 40 hours. Its been a month, there are plenty of v14's who started on console. They put in the time and effort, if you didn't, thats your problem. Welcome to MMO's.

    PS, when under lvl 50 (aka v1) your battle leveled to v12 average stats, your disadvantage is Gear, CP, and Skills. I've watched duels where a lvl 45 wrecked a v14 cause that v14 SUCKED (and was a blink blink - which = instant suck in my book)

    SO, go level up, and dont blame getting wrecked on your level alone.
    Asha_Veor TwilightPanther
  • CatchMeTrolling
    NO, not fair.
    tist wrote: »
    tist wrote: »
    Its ma boy catchmetrolling

    It is I, you and your over shield

    <3 Will be looking for you tn

    Saw you and greeted you with Jesus beam when your shield dropped. Shall not talk about the rest
  • Varicite
    People seem to be downplaying the fact that those who have played the game for over a year and have already learned exactly what works well and what doesn't stand a MUCH better chance vs those who have only played this game for a month.

    A proper build + decent gear plays a huge factor in players going 1vX. Not saying that CP and vet levels don't also help a lot, but w/ battle leveling's existence, they don't play nearly as large a part as a player who knows exactly how to make a build that will sustain against multiple opponents and live.
    Of course it's not fair.

    But in typical fashion ZOS bend to the will of the complaining, self-entitled whiners on PC.

    What the heck? The console transfers are console players who had to wait over a year for the console version they were promised to actually come out, not "PC whiners" as you call them.

    They only played on PC because ZOS told them they could play now and transfer later. If anything, they are "console whiners", not that I'd even call them that personally.

    Edited by Varicite on July 11, 2015 7:49AM
  • Aunatar
    NO, not fair.
    Isbilen wrote: »
    Just gonna leave this here...

    That guy is killing new console player's fun
    V16 Sorcerer - Aunatar
    V16 DK - Aunatarans (Currently main)
    V16 DK - Aunatar Evereth
    V16 DK - Aunataran
    V16 NB - Aunatars
    V4 Templar - Lysindel
    Lvl 30 NB - Vile Aunataroni De Pipino
    Free spot, looking for suggestions
    Asha_Veor wrote: »
    There are non vet campaigns, you dont like getting hit by a v14 then go to one of those. And just FYI the first console v14 was acheived in under 40 hours. Its been a month, there are plenty of v14's who started on console. They put in the time and effort, if you didn't, thats your problem. Welcome to MMO's.

    PS, when under lvl 50 (aka v1) your battle leveled to v12 average stats, your disadvantage is Gear, CP, and Skills. I've watched duels where a lvl 45 wrecked a v14 cause that v14 SUCKED (and was a blink blink - which = instant suck in my book)

    SO, go level up, and dont blame getting wrecked on your level alone.

    clearly this person did not read my previous post, is a vr14 transfer, and cant read. seriously if you people took time to follow thread progression you guys would see
    A: i personally am doing way better than i thought.
    B: the transfers are the issue, look at the video ffs.
    C: its blatantly obvious that some of you are raging teeth and claw to "protect" your transfers. nothing is going to get changed. that was acknowledged in the OP. CHILL. most people have said no not fair. and this thread keeps getting brought back up. clearly the same community YOU are in is not happy with this. grow up and see that CP/a YEAR of experience/and all legendary (set) gear builds are just steam rolling people. sure now that we are hitting higherlevels we are catching (and t-bagging) the h**l out of you guys. but its not cool to begin with.
    "Tryn'a be a gentleman of sorts, tryn'a be a better man, of course"

    welshassassin1987 (in regards to console community) : "Except the guy who continued to follow me around making chicken noises till I logged out. Or the one who shouts abuse because you didn't heal him when your not even a healer. Or the one that thinks everyone in Tamriel wants to here Gangsta Rap. I could go on. No doubt there are some decent folk out there, sadly not seeing them around at the moment."
  • TheBonesXXX
    Indifferent, don't see them enough.
    DIENASTY9 wrote: »

    Shortened your stuff.

    Yeah man, XBox PvP is a different animal from PC PvP imo. Theres no add-ons or macro's and programs doing the work for most people. Most PC transfers are mediocre at best on the console.
  • TheBonesXXX
    Indifferent, don't see them enough.
    ToRelax wrote: »

    There aren't that many good players left and only a fraction of those tested the console version, and even of those most seem to find it boring quickly and either create new toons or come back on PC.

    Forgive me if I feel that addons and macros are crutch, so being good on PC means nothing to me to begin with.

    ToRelax wrote: »

    There aren't that many good players left and only a fraction of those tested the console version, and even of those most seem to find it boring quickly and either create new toons or come back on PC.

    Forgive me if I feel that addons and macros are crutch, so being good on PC means nothing to me to begin with.

    i didn't even think about that ;') im ded
    "Tryn'a be a gentleman of sorts, tryn'a be a better man, of course"

    welshassassin1987 (in regards to console community) : "Except the guy who continued to follow me around making chicken noises till I logged out. Or the one who shouts abuse because you didn't heal him when your not even a healer. Or the one that thinks everyone in Tamriel wants to here Gangsta Rap. I could go on. No doubt there are some decent folk out there, sadly not seeing them around at the moment."
  • Paradox
    NO, not fair.
    I went into Blackwater (console) with my Tank character and took out the entire 20-man AD group alone without siege... It wouldn't matter, though. If I remade my character over there, I would still have a massive advantage over a majority of the players. They're just not good.
    Ebonheart Pact
    Tank And Spank - DragonKnight
    I've quit the game until ZoS stops acting like the community are children, and start actually listening to us.
  • ToRelax
    ToRelax wrote: »

    There aren't that many good players left and only a fraction of those tested the console version, and even of those most seem to find it boring quickly and either create new toons or come back on PC.

    Forgive me if I feel that addons and macros are crutch, so being good on PC means nothing to me to begin with.

    Forgive me if I don't care.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Varicite
    ToRelax wrote: »

    There aren't that many good players left and only a fraction of those tested the console version, and even of those most seem to find it boring quickly and either create new toons or come back on PC.

    Forgive me if I feel that addons and macros are crutch, so being good on PC means nothing to me to begin with.

    You're right, it's way harder to take out opponents who have no clue what they're doing, how much damage they're doing, or any information about their own buffs / debuffs.

    Fighting completely blind enemies is always going to be harder than fighting the well-informed, yeah?

    Edited by Varicite on July 13, 2015 5:28PM
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