Hey all! So some of you may have read the other thread about looking for a guild but I deleted it because I wasn't satisfied with what I had wrote. I also feel like I wasn't as clear as I should have been! So take two

I played ESO back at early access and quit around July of 2014 and played off and on. Well I really want to get back into the game but start a brand new fresh character on Aldmeri Dominion. Here are a few notes about what I'm looking for.
- I'd love an active guild and social
- Scheduled events are huge, I'd love to log in and be like oh hey maybe I can pvp or do X tonight
- I am from Boston so EST is my timezone, I tend to head to bed around 1030pm EST
- Aldmeri Dominion is my preferred faction of choice
Really nothing to crazy specific just an active AD guild that has events going on through the week would be awesome. Thank you for reading