Firstly I would like to say thank you so much for all of the times we have dueled,
@LegendaryMage . Since dueling you way back at the start of 1.6 on the PTS, I have grown as a player and I am proud to have you as a friend. Our various dueling sessions over the months (made possible by the PTS) have been more fun on this game than I ever had, and I am extremely happy to post this video on the forums.
Mage and I decided during one of our dueling session the other day to start recording our fights to show everyone else. Mage was kind enough to edit the clips himself, and I personally think he did a wonderful job - much better than I could ever do as well

In my personal opinion, I believe Legendary Mage is the best sorcerer on the European megaserver, and quite possibly and probably the best sorcerer I have ever had the pleasure to talk to and duel with.
I hope everyone enjoys this dueling session, as I had a blast filming and fighting and I believe it is safe to say that Legendary Mage feels the same way.
I highly recommend everyone to download the PTS, as it enables great players from both megaservers to come together and discuss their views on skills, tactics, and allows for friendly fights and fun like this.
Thanks everyone for watching, and again, enjoy.