New Content Suggestions
1. Player Housing
Put a house anywhere in Tamriel that could be rented for a month for huge amount of gold. Player who rents the house can display any trophies he got. He may also purchase display items from crown store. He may also change the style of the house and a garden beside it. Anyone can visit the house, perfect for RP. Tenant's name will be displayed on the door of the house.
Purpose: Gold sink, Cosmetic Advantage, Endgame Content, Crown Store Items for house
Benefits of Players: Tenant of the house will have a new title called "Royal Blood" and can use the costume "Royalty" that will show him as a rich player in Tamriel. Additionally, he will have 2 lady servants that follow him anywhere except when in Cyrodiil.
2. Gear Combining
Uncrafted gears like gears from loots or rewards can be combined. Combining 2 similar uncrafted gears have 20% percent chance to be sucessful. Successful combination will combine the 2 gears into 1 but will become 1 level higher. For example, combining 2 VR1 green warlock rings will have a 20% chance to become 1 VR2 green warlock ring.
This can only be applied to gears from loots or rewards, bound or not. Anyone can try to combine gears by using a special smelter found in any town. Another example, combining 2 VR13 Legendary Master Swords will have a 20% chance to become 1 VR14 Legendary Master Sword. If it fails the 2 items will be destroyed. Combining can only be possible if the 2 items are exactly the same in; levels, styles, traits, quality, and armor types or weapon types.
You can also combine gears that are produced thru combining. For example, you successfully produced 2 VR2 green warlock rings from 4 VR1 green warlock rings, those 2 VR2 can still be combined for a 20% chance to get a VR3 green warlock ring. Combining gears is limitless, you can possibly create a VR14 gear starting from level 1 gears but that is almost impossible. This will be a thing that will be so addictive for any players, PVErs or PVPers, crafters or not.
So what if you try to combine 2 similar VR14 gears? If it is successful you will get a VR14 (+1). You can then try to combine 2 VR14 (+1) for a chance to get 1 VR14 (+2). And it is limitless. So how strong is the VR14 (+1)? It will be like VR15 gear. You could get stronger gears thru combining but there is always that huge risk to take, a decision to make.
Purpose: Gear Sink - this is really needed to recycle the gears, the game will be full of gears and they will continue to become cheap if theres noone buying them or noone will use them. Trials and dungeons will flood the market with gears, it is already happening actually. Gold Sink - a good economy always need a good gold sink.
Ultimate Crafting System - this system will be used by players starting from level 1 to max level. Crafters will not be affected as only gears from loots can be combined.
Benefits of Players: There will now be an endless dream to get that best gear of highest combination, with the thrill to succeed or not. Some may take extreme risk, some may play it safe, it depends on individual preferences.
Low levels can now use their beloved low level gears as they continue their journey, as long as they can level up their gears thru combining.
How to Combine: Go to smelter. Place 2 similar uncrafted gears. Pay 50-2000 gold depending on gear's level. Press Combine button.
Crown Store Benefit for ZoS:
Of course we need to give our beloved devs some money to continue improving and maintaning our game. In crown store we can purchase a scroll of luck, worth some crowns and will give us additional 5% chance to be successful. So if you use it you will now have 25% chance. The scroll will only be good for 10 combine attempts. It is definitely not a pay to win, 20% & 25% don't have much difference, it is always about your own luck. But buying in crown store for 5% chance again depends on each player's preference.
3. Battle Camps
In each town there will be a Training Camp. There is a fee of 1000 gold for everytime you enter a camp. Once you are inside the camp you can see a list of players that are also inside any camp in Tamriel. You can search for their name then invite to duel. Once the other player accept the duel both of you will be teleported to an instance where only the 2 of you exist. You will automatically be ported out of the instance and out of the camp once any of you died, or after 30 minutes. When going into a camp with group you can be able to duel with another group. Once any group member invites a group member on another group and was accepted, the 2 groups will be ported to the battle instance.
Purpose: Gold Sink. Giving players a better way to test their combat skills. The instance will be lag free for much better combat experiences.
Benefits: There will be titles associated with some achievements to be acquired in battle camps.
4. PvP Emperor Statues
There will be statues that is exact replica of how the current Emperor looks like. The statues will be placed at every gates, keeps and outposts that his faction owned.
Purpose: Gives a sense of reward for Emperors.
Benefits of Player: Fame and Pride for him
5. Dragons and Dragon Priests
In all unpopulated areas around tamriel, there will be a very rare chance that you may encounter a Dragon Priest. Take note that this is a very rare chance at random spots in the vastness of Tamriel. And defeating a dragon priest will be very difficult. At the very last health of the dragon priest he will cast a spell on you and you will be ported to an instance. In that instance you have to defeat a Dragon to get out of the instance. If you defeat that dragon priest and the dragon you will have a 50% chance to get 1 extra stat point.
Purpose: Something for players to look out for. Rewarding adventurers.
ZoS Benefit: If you are subscribed to ESO plus, it will be a 100%
chance to get a stat point. If you will be lucky to encounter a dragon priest, and even luckier to defeat him.
What do you think guys?
Any good content you have in mind?
Feel free to share.
Thanks for reading.